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懂你英语Level5-Unit3-Part1-[2]listening:Preparing for an interview...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 14:50



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 16:17

1. This morning Sam got a message from a company based in Japan.

2. It's a medical supply company that wants to expand its business in China.

3. They have a small office in Hong Kong and will be conducting interviews next week.

4. Sam is interested in learning more about the company, so he replied to their message and set up an interview.

5.  Even if it doesn't work out, it will be a learning experience for him.

6. In planning for the interview, Sam has made some notes about what to do at an interview.

7.  First, he needs to be well prepared.

8.  He needs to know as much as he can about the company, including its history.

9. He also needs to know how to present himself, including his appearance and body language.

10. It has been years since he was last interviewed, so he needs to be prepared to answer some questions about himself.

11. For example, he needs to be able to explain what's on his resume, including his strengths and skills.

12. In any interview situation, it's important to look right and behave appropriately.

13.He doesn't want to give a bad first impression.

14.For example, he should be careful not to talk too much.

15.That means he should stay focused and keep his comments short.

16.Throughout the interview he should observe their facial expressions and make eye contact.

17.It's going to be important to listen carefully to what they say, and keep things as relaxed as possible.

18.He needs to remind himself that he is also interviewing them.

19.He may find that their company isn't right for him.

20.Therefore, he should be ready to ask them questions, especially about their expectations.

21.In an interview like this, both sides have the same concern.

22.They don't want to make the wrong choice.
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