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New Orleans (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 00:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 04:49

歌曲名:New Orleans (Album Version)
歌手:Beautiful Creatures
专辑:Beautiful Creatures

Kid Rock - New Orleans
I'm goin' down to New Orleans to see about a friend of mine
I'm goin' down to New Orleans and leavin' all of this behind
Headin' south from Detroit I got Cajun cookin' on my mind
When I get to New Orleans someone gonna treat me right
Yeah in a town like New Orleans someone gonna treat me right
I'll be high 10 Rollin' till the early morning break daylight
A jambalaya and a crawfish pie gonna start my day
But when the sun goes down we gonna "bon temps roulez"
I'm goin' down to New Orleans to see about a friend of mine
I'm goin' down to New Orleans where the stars on the sidewalk shine
Burnin' through Mississippi with the Big Easy on my mind
When I get to New Orleans someone gonna treat me right
Yeah in a town like New Orleans someone gonna treat me right
And I'm gonna party like the devil if the Neville brothers play tonight
Jambalaya and a crawfish pie gonna make my day
Down on the Bayou singing Hey Pocky Way
I'm goin' down to New Orleans to see about a friend of mine
Down in New Orleans good peoples they's hard to find
I bet he's making gumbo and drinkin' homemade wine
A jukebox shakin' and breakin' down in New Orleans
I'll be the highest hillbilly that Bourbon Street has ever seen
Oh yeah, yeah
I'm goin' down to New Orleans to see about a friend of mine
I'm goin' down to New Orleans and leavin' all of this behind
If the good Lord's willing and the rivers don't start to rise
And when I get to New Orleans someone's gonna treat me right
Said in a town like New Orleans someone gonna treat me right
All the cats in the cradle gonna rock this kid tonight
Oh hey
A jukebox shakin' and breakin' down in New Orleans
And if you're payin' for fun a french quarters really all you need
Down to New Orleans
I'm going down to New Orleans
Down to New Orleans
I'm going down to New Orleans
Going down, down, down, down tonight
Down to New Orleans
I'm going down to New Orleans
Down to New Orleans
I'm going down to New Orleans
Going down, down, down, down tonight
Down to New Orleans
I'm going down to New Orleans
Down to New Orleans
I'm going down to New Orleans
Going down, down, down, down tonight

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