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在线等 会英语的来 英语翻译 快点.要会的.!! (可以算是小学水平 非常低...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 02:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 07:58

There are four people in my family, father, mother ,my brother and I. My brother is a pupil. My mother thinks that nothing is more important than a child's happiness. So she often accepts our ideas and never obliges us to do things we don't like. She does her best to teach us. I used to think my mother is bored. But now I understand her. She did all for us.

I'm not a good sister because I often argue with my brother. My mother is worried about this.

I think my life is beautiful

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 07:56

Our family has four persons, Father, mother, and my younger brother.'s Younger brother at my elementary school.
My mother felt that there is nothing more than a child's happiness is more important, she always listen to our views, and never forced us to do not like something, but she is very hard on our discipline, my mother always thought the primary school is very annoying, But I now understand a little, our mother is for the better.

I am not a good sister, so often quarrel with my brother, for this very troubled mother.
I think I am very happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 07:59

We have four, father, mother, I and little brother. My brother in primary school.
My mother thinks nothing is more important than the children of happiness, so she always listen to our advice, we do not like never force, but her heart to our discipline, I always think mom primary very annoying, but now I am, mum is good for us.

I am not a good sister, so often quarrel with my brother, mom this nerve-racking.
I feel very happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 07:58

There are four in my family——Dad,mom,my little brother who studies in primary school,and me myself.
My mom thinks that nothing is more important than keeping kids' happy,thus she always listen to our advice thoroughly and never impose us to do things we don't like.However,she takes care of us by heart.When i was a primary student,I always thought of her as kind of nuisance.But now,I started to understand it a little further,what mom had done was for our good indeed.
To be honest, I cannot be named of a good elder sister,because of the frequenct quarreling with my little brother,which upset mom quite often.
I think i am living a real happy life

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 07:55

We have four people in my family: Dad, Mom,brother and I. My brother in Primary School. My mother thinks nothing is more important than the children of happiness, so she always listen to our advice, we do not like never force, but her heart to our discipline, I always think mom primary very annoying, but now I am, mum is good for us. I am not a good sister, so often quarrel with my brother, mom this nerve-racking. I feel very happy.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 07:56

There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my younger brother and I. My younger brother is in Elementary schoo.
My mom feels that there is nothing more important than the happiness of children, so she always listens to our opinons, and never forces us to do things that we don't like, but she does take care to discipline us as well. When I was in elemetary school, I always felt that my mom was very annoying. But I understand now that what mom did were for our own good.

I'm not a good elder sister, so I always quarrel with my younger brother. Mom is very frustrated by that. I think I am very lucky indeed.

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