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歌词里有I Miss You Now的歌。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 19:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 09:35

Ledisi - I Miss You Now

Lately it's been hard for me to get to fall asleep
Cause when you walked out, you walk into my dreams
Hearing these memories all in my head
Was it your voice that said? Come back to bed
I know there was a reason that I had to walk out
But now I can't remember what the fight was about
I know I was mad, said I was pissed
But it wasn't so bad, not worse then this

Cause I miss you now (Cause I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe you deserve another chance
Maybe your my man
Maybe we should try again, baby

Cause I miss you now (Cause I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe it really wasn't our fault
Wasn't so bad at all
Maybe I should come back home

Yo mama keep calling me, phoning my house
Asking me why you sleeping on her couch
How could we give up on something so good
I tried not to call, maybe I should
I don't wanna be the reason that it didn't work out
We put too much into it just to give up now
Let's call it a truce, got nothing to prove
Been gone for too long and I'm missing you

Cause I miss you now (Cause I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe you deserve another chance
Maybe your my man
Maybe we should try again, baby

Cause I miss you now (Cause I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe it really wasn't our fault
Wasn't so bad at all
Maybe I should come back home

Maybe we can solve it by saying I'm sorry
Maybe we can take it back to where we started
I miss your kiss
Long for your love
One month without you, is more than enough
Maybe I just needed to breathe
I walked away now I can see
I'm lost without you
Don't know what to do
I called just to say
That I'm missing you

Cause I miss you now (I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe you deserve another chance
Maybe your my man
Maybe we should try again, baby

I miss you now (I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe it really wasn't our fault
Wasn't so bad at all
Maybe I should come back home, baby

Cause I miss you now (I miss you now)
I miss you now
Maybe you deserve another chance
Maybe your my man
Maybe we should try again

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 09:33

看看是不是Avril Lavigne的When you are gone

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 09:33

.罗百吉的《I Miss You》?
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