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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 09:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:22

In the future , we will finally get to the moon by spaceship,we can see the space through the large window in spaceship, it is all in colour dark blue, and some interesting unkown things, some looks like dark rocks and stones, some looke like another planet and some looks like gold stars.
We lose our weight on the moon,so we cant really walk on the moon, we normally live in the large spaceship which bulids up there, it has everything in it, shopping center,restaurant ,funfair and all kinds of things you can image, it is just like a city. everythins is very high technologied.

现在有一部电影。。卡通片叫Wall E,新出不久的。。。讲的就是地球污染严重,人类搬到月球上的故事,英文的。。。我写这个文章的灵感就是从那里来的。。。



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:22

I think the life on the moon will be better and we will go there by spaceship. We will not need anything togo there such as the spacesuits and oxygen.We will see the whole earth covered with water and it must be very wonderful.In the future,I think the cities on the moon will like the ones on yhe earth and we can live there.How interesting it is to go to the moon!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:26

Because of the air pollution that is harmful and hardly affect our ecosystems, today, some scientists are already experimenting the way to get to the moon. During their research, they believe moon will be the second best choice for human to live instead of Earth, because no matter what we do to reduce the contributions of Global Warming and the Green House Effect which are the most two issues that is leading the Earth gone badly, they are assuming to increase more in the few years. This is meaning that until that day, Earth is being destroyed, and no organisms will alive. They expect to use a special kind of spaceship which can shipped us easily to get there. But in order to make this work better, the preparation seems more important and necessary, a special-made uniforms or suits are required, with goggles on eyes in case of protection, and shoes that made by special materials are essentially needed for this trip too.
Since this is a trip in the space, we could see planets and stars during the trip. We might perhaps considered to sight the constallations. We could also imagine the size of the universe, since it contains the whole world. The Law of Gravitation from the sciensist Newton has already stated that there is no gravitation occurred in Moon, which means people can float anywhere and fly simpler. When we land on the moon, we will not be standing the way we usually do as we are in the Earth. No gravitation in some ways helps us to fly to reach our dreams. Thus, the future life will be interesting. Everything on the Moon will work another way that is completely different from the way it is in Earth. We expect and are willing to see the such things to happen, for example,we fly and float anywhere anytime as long as we are in the Moon; while we throw a ball, the direction it likely goes will be a flying mode which we couldn't imagine to happen on the Earth.
But now, we are still waiting for the day we have the fortunate to visit the Moon. However, as what we could do by using the technologies now, landing on the Moon is still a vision that is hardly to make it true. So people will have to try our best to reduce the pollution around the world, and make our life occuring longer on the Earth.
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