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Cheap Trick的《Y O Y O Y》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 20:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 23:13

歌曲名:Y O Y O Y
歌手:Cheap Trick
专辑:Sex, America, Cheap Trick

Mandy Moore - Yo-Yo
I keep hanging around
Got some attachment to you
Way down is still where you get through
I told myself it isn't right but isn't wrong
Yet I've found
The more you hot and cold me
The more I need protecting
Can't hear myself singing the same sad song
Oh, and it's not hard to figure out
Why I am never too far from the floor
You can only take me up and down
I've got to move forward
So I've cut the cord
It's broken I know what you want
I'm not a yo-yo
I'm not a thing you let go
You're leaving me no choice then
I'll be on my way
I'm not a yo-yo
I don't come back when I'm thrown
I keep hanging around
But can't defy gravity
Rebound everytime you touch me
I've told myself it isn't right but it isn't wrong
The more you high and low me
The more I need stability
Can't hear myself singing this for too long
Oh, and now you've come to face the fact
But I'm running fast as I can to the door
'Cause you wanna swing me up and back
And I've got to move forward
So I've cut the cord
It's broken
And I can't let that hope in
I know what you want I'm not a thing you let go
You're leaving me no choice then
I'll be on my way
I'm not a yo-yo
I don't come back when I'm thrown
I'll be on my way
I'm not a yo-yo
I don't come back when I'm thrown
Didn't I adore you...Didn't I keep you satisfied...Didn't I
Didn't I assure you...For every climb there is a downward slide that I can't ride
Didn't I adore you...Didn't I bend to keep you satisfied...
Didn't I
Didn't I assure you...For every climb there is a downard slide...
I had to cut the cord
It's broken
And I can't let that hope in
I know what you want I'm not a thing you let go
You're leaving me no choice then
I'll be on my way
I'm not a yo-yo
I don't come back when I'm thrown
I'll be on my way
I'm not a yo-yo
I'm not a thing you let go
I'm not a thing you let go(I'm not a thing you let go)....
ShaGuar & Moyile
ShaGuar 制作

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