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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 18:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 02:18

Miao Hom Mars

Hom Mars is a family of Miao festival, a different time for different family worship, some of the Lunar New Year August 28, some 29 in September. To worship the time, the whole family were all together. Every few thatch and take the red line to tying in a small tree. Mengmeng Liang days, the rising sun, people stand together, using Moderator by the red line we will be starting Wai. Moderator reading ritual language, and that brought about the disaster goddess struggle, the last representative of the goddess with a knife Kanxiang the small tree, with a bow and the Jianshe will be in the air, which means elimination of the disaster, the whole family were safe life. Hom Mars conclusion of the event.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 02:20

Miao Hom Mars

Hom Mars is a family of Miao festival, a different time for different family worship, some of the Lunar New Year August 28, some 29 in September. To worship the time, the whole family were all together. Every few thatch and take the red line to tying in a small tree. Mengmeng Liang days, the rising sun, people stand together, using Moderator by the red line we will be starting Wai. Moderator reading ritual language, and that brought about the disaster goddess struggle, the last representative of the goddess with a knife Kanxiang the small tree, with a bow and the Jianshe will be in the air, which means elimination of the disaster, the whole family were safe life. Hom Mars conclusion of the event.
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