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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 11:35



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 09:08

Today's society, the telecommunications instry has become more competitive, telecommunications enterprises are in contention for the market and draw up corresponding with a targeted strategy. Marketing strategy is the most important one. Wuhan mobile responsible for the entire city of Wuhan, China Mobile Communication Network, and various communication procts sales and after-sales service. She such an increasingly fierce competition in the larger environment of which they are against the development of the market environment in many corresponding marketing strategy slightly. The article is the analysis of these marketing strategy with a specific implementation plan to focus on content Wuhan mobile communications sales and marketing strategy. Around the first of late Strip, Global business links three different levels of analysis of the current mobile Wuhan marketing strategy for specific briefing. According According Around late Strip, which links three global business research and analysis. According to the analysis of these then Wuhan mobile marketing strategy includes the procts / services strategy Wuhan focus of the mobile number of concrete measures. Then, through the analysis of pricing strategies, summed up the Wuhan Mobile Marketing Strategy corresponding characteristics. Secondly, the study of Wuhan mobile marketing strategy Based on price and advertising analysis further understanding of the Wuhan mobile marketing strategy. Then, the article Wuhan with the largest mobile competitors Wuhan Unicom marketing environment, marketing, Marketing strategies were compared and analyzed. Further more analysis of Wuhan mobile marketing situation, Wuhan summed up the Mobile Marketing Strategy advantages and disadvantages Finally, according to the Wuhan mobile marketing strategy inadequate, The article gives a corresponding improvement.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 09:08

The telecommunications instry has become more and more competitive nowadays. To contest for the market, every telecommunications enterprises are making relative strategy, one most important link of which is marketing strategy. Wuhan mobile is responsible for China Mobile Communication Network, sales and after-sales service of various communication procts in the entire city of Wuhan. It has also made up many corresponding marketing strategy in such an increasingly fierce competition environment. This article put emphasis on the marketing strategy of Wuhan mobile by analyzing the specific implementation plan of these marketing strategy. Firstly through different levels' analysis of Shenzhouxing, M-Zone and Global business, a specific presentation is made about the current marketing strategy of Wuhan mobile. Then according to these, we analyze the procts / services strategy included in the Wuhan mobile marketing strategy especially the concrete measures of Wuhan mobile. Then we conclude the corresponding characteristics of Wuhan Mobile Marketing Strategy by analysis of pricing strategies. Secondly, we studied the sales promotion strategy of Wuhan mobile and get a futher knowledge of Wuhan Mobile Marketing Strategy by analysis of the price and advertisement. Then this article made a compare and analysis on the marketing environment, marketing target, Marketing strategies between Wuhan mobile and the largest mobile competitor-- Wuhan Unicom. Further more the advantages and disadvantages of Wuhan Mobile Marketing Strategy were concluded by analysis of Wuhan mobile marketing situation. Finally, the article gave the corresponding improvements according to the inadequate marketing strategy of Wuhan mobile.
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