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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 08:47



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 17:53

Wei participated in the 2007 season of Super Boy (快乐男声), a famous national televised singing competition in China, and placed third. In the compitition, Wei's contagious performances and sunny image had won him so much attention.

Wei was born on Feb.22th in 1986. He was grew up in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China. In high school, he started having vocal music and piano lessons and later attended the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. As a professional singers, he also good at piano, guitar, hulusi, guxun.There are 3 people in his family: father, mother and grandmother. His mother was a former singer.

In 2007, after Super Boy (快乐男声), Wei participated in Just the Two of Us (名声大震) with Rujjana Utaiwan from Thailand, and the duo finished in second place.

In 2008, he co-starred in the movie Shi Qi (十七), starring Joan Chen and Sam Chow. In the film, he acts Tian Yi(Chinese:天翊) who is a sunny boy and the friend of the leading man Shi Qi of the film.

In 2009, he filmed the television series Let's Go watch the Meteor Shower (TV series) . In the TV series, Wei acts as Ye Shuo, an expert on computer. Ye is a staid, introverted and he is clear about that who to love and who to hate. In his university, the university of Alistun, a series of romantic stories are happened on Ye and his 3 friends. Ye falls in love with an elder lady who is not approved to a love of a younger man. But his persistence finally win he and the lady a happy ending. On the other side, Ye hates and opposes his brother because of his carelessness to their family. However, they make peace in the end of the story and get more understanding on the importance of family.
写的 魏晨 挺长的 你减少点。
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