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...配乐是首摇滚类的英文歌 ,节奏感很强 男的唱的 最近才流行的。有...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 23:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 20:12

If Eternity Should Fail - Iron Maiden

Here is the soul of a man

Here in this place for the taking

Clothed in white stand in the light

Here is the soul of a man

Time to speak with the shaman again

Conjure the jester again

Black dog in the ruins is howling my name

So here is the soul of a man

When the world was virgin
Before the coming of men

Just a solar witness

The beginning of the end
From a world of magma

To a cold rock face

The ascent of madness
And a human race

We are strange believers all of us

There are stranger truths immortal lust

We rise from slumber he calls our name

Recalls our number abide with pain

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line for the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line for the ending of time
If eternity should fail

To god's illusion which I recall
Was our delusion
Before the fall
The angels come and the angels go
But the lord of light shining below

Eternal blackness beyond the stars
We think our wisdom will get that far
At the master's table the table's bare
No land of plenty devastation despair

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line for the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line at the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line for the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line at the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line at the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If eternity should fail

Waiting in line at the ending of time
If eternity should fail

Good day my name is Necropolis

I am formed of the dead

I am the harvester of the soul meat

And I suck the lives from around my bed

My own two sons I gave them breath

And I filled their living corpses with my bile

What humanity I knew I have long forgotten

For me eternity is nothing

But a short while

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 20:14

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