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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 03:24



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:56

The US "National geographic" the magazine selects 2007 year ten big archaeological discovery on the 1. Venice island discovered that plague mass grave buried has more than 1500 to die on a plague's person's ancient times mass grave was discovered nearby Venice island. The local worker when to construct a new museum digs the ground digs out the massive skeletons. This island was according to what is believed in the world first handed down in the family catches an illness the courtyard, a.D. 15 to the 16th century, not only Venice, the European most places presented the fearful plague, will catch plague's person to rush to the island will be obviously to prevent plague to further disseminate. the 2. scientist discovered that British prehistoric megalith restorer village Britain megalith by the people was always thought is riddle of the world. Published the memoir from the US National geographic Academic society's archaeologists on January 30 saying that had discovered nearby British prehistoric megalith Neolithic Age's village ruins, and thought initially lived in there villagers was a megalith wright. The scientist indicated that this was one of recent years related megalith research most significant discoveries. According to the related examination discovery, these villages probably construct at 2600 B.C., 8 houses were already excavated, but also some 25 houses treat the excavation. The archaeology proved that megalith also constructs approximately in this time. It is reported that human many mystical buildings construct at this time, including Egypt's Pyramid. It is reported that the archaeologist simultaneously had also discovered in the excavation some have the Neolithic Age characteristic goods, including the stone implement, the arrow arrow is prime. These houses are wooden, assumes the square shape, had with at that time the universal stone building is greatly different. 3. Egypt discovered that most famous female pharaoh mummy the Egypt archaeologist announces a significant archaeological discovery in June 27. Through to tooth's deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) appraisal, the archaeologist confirmed that has preserved in the Egyptian Cairo Museum a mummy has been precisely Egyptian renowned female pharaoh Heart thanks Pu Suter the mummy. The archaeologist said that this discovery not only has been possible be called since 1922 discovers the Tutankhamen pharaoh mummy Egypt's most significant archaeological discovery, but also opens Heart to thank Pu the Suter mummy to be missing the riddle. Heart thanks Pu Suter is the Egyptian 18 dynasty renowned pharaohs. Although the body is the female, Heart thanks Pu Suter to put on the men's clothing happily, wears the false beard, ties the chest take off your coat, the hand holds the scepter. The historian believed that Heart thanks Pu Suter is from its adopted son, afterward Tuteur in the Mosi three th hands usurped power only then can become the pharaoh. After she died, in its mausoleum temple has her image place to suffer the human to damage, the overwhelming majority concerns her historic record also desirably to destroy, the archaeologist guessed that is Tuteur the Mosi three th retaliation result.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:57

Helen Keller: I Try to Make the Light in Other’s Eyes My Sun
All of Helen Keller’s knowledge reached her mind through her sense of touch and smell, and of course her feelings.
To know a flower was to touch it, feel it, and smell it. This sense of touch became greatly developed as she got older.
She once said that hands speak almost as loudly as words.
She said the touch of some hands frightened her. The people seem so empty of joy that when she touched their cold fingers it is as if she were shaking hands with a storm.
She found the hands of others full of sunshine and warmth.
Strangely enough, Helen Keller learned to love things she could not hear, music for example. She did this through her sense of touch.
When waves of air beat against her, she felt them. Sometimes she put her hand to a singer’s throat. She often stood for hours with her hands on a piano while it was played. Once, she listened to an organ. Its powerful sound made her move her body in rhythm with the music.
She also liked to go to museums.
She thought she understood sculpture as well as others. Her fingers told her the true size, and the feel of the material.
What did Helen Keller think of herself? What did she think about the tragic loss of her sight and hearing? This is what she wrote as a young girl:
“Sometimes a sense of loneliness covers me like a cold mist – I sit alone and wait at life’s shut door. Beyond, there is light and music and sweet friendship, but I may not enter. Silence sits heavy upon my soul.”
“Then comes hope with a sweet smile and says softly, ‘There is joy I forgetting one’s self.’ And so I try to make the light in others’ eyes my sun … The music in other’s ears my symphony … The smile on others; lips my happiness.”
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