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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 09:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 10:03

The child's birthday is why blowing out in the candles on the birthday cake? This practice first began in ancient Greece. The goddess of the moon Greek Artemis in celebration of the goddess of the moon fans in each birthday candles on the shelves of sweet cakes. Later, the ancient greeks in the children's birthday cake planted buring candles and increased the candle. Wind They believe that burning candles are secret force, if the children require a desire, and breath, he blows out all the candles will get it. This custom has been spread.

1. In the birthday cake on the custom candle can be tracked back thousands of years.
2. When people believe in god through the candle can know prayers.
3 the candles on the birthday cake symbol of life.
4. People wind blows out a candle and began to convey a message as vowed that blew away the past and started a new life.
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