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Raise your glass (Pink唱) 求歌词~

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 14:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 06:58

  Right right, turn off the lights,
  We're gonna lose our minds tonight,
  What's the deal, yo?

  I love when it's all too much,
  5am turn the radio up
  Where's the rock and roll?

  Party Crasher,
  Penny Snatcher,
  Call me up if you want gangsta
  Don't be fancy, just get dancey
  Why so serious?

  So raise your glass if you are wrong,
  In all the right ways,
  All my underdogs,
  We will never be never be anything but loud
  And nitty gritty dirty little freaks
  Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass,
  Just come on and come on and raise your glass

  Slam slam, oh hot damn
  What part of party don't you understand,
  Wish you'd just freak out (freak out already)
  Can't stop, coming in hot,
  I should be locked up right on the spot
  It's so on right now (so *in on right now)

  Party Crasher,
  Penny Snatcher,
  Call me up if you want gangsta
  Don't be fancy, just get dancey

  Why so serious?

  So raise your glass if you are wrong,
  In all the right ways,
  All my underdogs,
  We will never be never be anything but loud
  And nitty gritty dirty little freaks
  Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass,
  Just come on and come on and raise your glass
  Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass,
  Just come on and come on and raise your glass

  (oh shit my glass is empty, that sucks)

  So if you're too school for cool,
  And you're treated like a fool,
  You can choose to let it go
  We can always, we can always,
  Party on our own

  (so raise your) So raise your glass if you are wrong,
  In all the right ways,
  All my underdogs,
  We will never be never be anything but loud
  And nitty gritty, dirty little freaks
  So raise your glass if you are wrong,
  In all the right ways,
  All my underdogs,
  We will never be never be anything but loud
  And nitty gritty, dirty little freaks
  Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass,
  Just come on and come on and raise your glass
  Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass,(for me)
  Just come on and come on and raise your glass (for me)
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