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学校即将举行以"Music and My Life"为主题的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求...

不唯一 I like music and I think most people like it as much as I do. While most of people nowadays like modern music such as rock and pop music, I like listening to classical music. For many people, they find classical music boring to listen. However, I think classical m...

求一篇英语作文,100--120个词。题目如下:how to succeed in life s...

This is an exceedingly prevalent question among people’s mind today nationwide and worldwide.So ,what does it means to be successful for all of us in life?For my part,success doesn’t necessarily reside in wealth and strength,but a long-last state of happiness ,for none can...


Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus life? Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving...

...健康成长”的英语作文比赛。 请按要求写一篇

We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard time. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard...

以my. ideal college. life为题目写一篇大约120字的英语作文

coming years; the books I read will help me all through my life in every way I can imagine or not.I hope I can get a full life in college.这其实是我上大学之前对大学生活的想象,纯自己写的,120字完全不够描绘我想象中的大学,上了大学发现完全坑爹啊!唉,现在每天糜烂的生活…...

以“My school life”为题,写一篇120字左右的英语作文?

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn\'t it?my school life i go to school at 7 every morning. when i get to school, i have to ...


Life in the Future: Speculations for the Next Century In the next century, our lives are poised to undergo remarkable transformations. Firstly, robots are expected to play a significant role in enhancing convenience and joy. They are likely to assist with household chores and serve as...


we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power. We can help to build our country and enjoy life bet...

Music and My Life为题写一篇英语作文(120~150词数)。

music is life,life is music.Music will keep us company the whole life, and it's our friend.we can hear it everywhere,in the wind,in the air,in the light around us.All we have to do is open ourselves to listen.Let's enjoy the wonderful moments that music give us!

求一篇大学英语作文 要求:大学在校期间关于幸福的(或)最幸福的一件事...

Just like happiness.My University has a unique happy life.Because there is my most sincere efforts.想必很多人都热切的向往过大学的生活。但是没有付出,就没有收获。像幸福。我的大学有过一段无与伦比的幸福生活。因为那里有我最真诚的付出。It was one of the things I just shortly into ...

以爱为主题的英语作文 以奋斗为主题的英语作文 以比赛为主题的作文 以健康为题的英语作文 英语作文《我的一天》 以购物为话题英语作文 以花为主题的比赛 以感恩为主题的比赛 以爱为主题的比赛节目
现代职场中年轻人为什么敢和老板正面刚? 张叔叔买了4千克苹果,又买了52元梨,刚好一共用去100元,每千克苹果多少... 含“赂”的成语(7个) ...4元,梨每kgy元,李阿姨共花了16元,先写出等量关系, 领秀时尚舞蹈培训机构领秀教学体系 货赂公行什么意思货赂公行怎么读 ...苹果每千克3.2元,梨每千克x元。两个等量关系和两个方程 为什么一些东西都和12有关? ...想在2010年12月登记结婚,请问本月都有哪些黄道吉日? 广东派沃商用空气源热水器怎么样 ...邓超,请根据以下提示以"My favourite star"为题写一篇英语作文... ...柱距6.3米)支撑,请问柱、梁用多大?如何配筋? 扶壁柱如何计算 如何设计梁柱 大头娃娃涉事店铺被罚四千元,这一惩罚力度是不是对被害者的不负责? 东胜职高有哪些 恶意网站有哪些 燃气间抗压门窗哪家好 ...医生告知付费时说医保卡丢失了之后还能报销一部分? 门诊看病金额达几万应出据什么发票? 住院期间门诊药费2万多,有低保户,有社保为什么才报消费3千元而有发票... 杨姓其它宗谱等 衡量一个蓝牙耳机品质优劣的基本参数是什么 梦见我打车去吃婚宴 ,那个出租车司机给我多加了60块钱,我说我要举报... “六朝之时”的出处是哪里 “鼠雅雀舌皆强御”的出处是哪里 “风俗皆已敦厚”的出处是哪里 打钩的符号如何打出来? 卫生间选风暖还是灯暖,冬天哪个保暖效果更佳? 怎样识别男人S倾向呢? 我的世界手机版PE可以和电脑版/PC版联机吗 客厅哪一面墙当电视墙合适 我的世界手机版进了服务器之后说什么/login密码是多少 我的世界,求把这个存档从PC转到PE. http://pan.baidu.com/share/li_百... 我的世界国际服手机最新版什么软件一千米之外怎么联机 变压器属于特种设备吗 ...兜进了点水,手机晾了一晚,第二天手机就来电和按键几乎没声音。_百度... 请问,我的手机前两天进了点水,吹干后能用,用了两天后,关机睡觉,第二天... 手机进水后不能按键了 华为手机触摸屏进去了点水下半部分和三个按键失灵了需要换什么_百度知 ... 7210c 我可能进点水 水不是进多 我开始用的时候 全部键盘都可以 后来就... 手机进了点水,部分按键失灵,有高招吗 刺客信条3爱国者信差过不去 太空杯可以泡茶吗 用太空杯泡茶有异味吗 宝鸡市春节提前发放失业保险金时间安排!会提前发放还是年后发放_百度... 宝鸡市人力资源和社会保障局局机关简介 宝鸡市民政局办事指南 宝鸡市民政局的办事指南 风雨什么舟 宝鸡市人力资源和社会保障局部门职能