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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 07:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 02:37

Pacific Computer Network, commonly known as PConline, was officially launched in 1999, marking a pioneering step as China's first IT information website built upon a professional computer market alliance. Since its inception, it has consistently dedicated itself to delivering comprehensive, authoritative, and specialized IT news and services for both IT enterprises and end-users.

The homepage of PConline boasts an impressive infrastructure, backed by a formidable technical team and a well-trained information collection force. Leveraging the rich resources of the Pacific Computer Market, the site swiftly and reliably offers in-depth proct reviews, reliable market pricing, up-to-date instry news, and extensive business profiles. It has established the largest and most comprehensive IT database of enterprises, procts, and talent, functioning as a vital information exchange platform for mutual growth between businesses and users.

As recognized by Alexa, PConline holds the distinction of being the only IT portal in the world's top 100, with a visitor count exceeding ten million, solidifying its status as China's leading IT destination.

PConline encompasses popular sections such as Daily Quotes, Digital World, Hardware News, and Software News, providing a wealth of content that is both comprehensive and professionally curated, covering all aspects of the IT instry. It has become a barometer for the domestic IT market and a crucial channel for manufacturers to promote their procts and showcase their image.

The Pacific Professional Website Group, built on the foundation of the professional computer market alliance, is a dedicated network media that caters to businesses and consumers across various sectors. With its extensive portfolio of websites including PConline, PCauto, PCgames, PClady, PCbaby, and pchouse, it offers a unique blend of resources, distinctive perspectives, and rapid information delivery. It serves as a preferred platform for businesses to drive continuous growth and a go-to source for consumers seeking expert guidance and news.



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