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梦幻西游手游全民PK赛解析介绍_梦幻西游手游全民PK赛解析是什么_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 04:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-08 07:57

Exploring the recently launched PK Tournament in Dream of the Westward Journey Mobile, this article provides a comprehensive analysis of how the event works and what players can expect.

PK Tournament Overview

The tournament is a new addition to the game, offering a fresh challenge for players. While it coincides with the testing phase of the pet内丹 system, players need not worry as the system is not fully integrated. Although the 'pet内丹' option is present, players currently lack means to obtain them, effectively bypassing its inclusion in the tournament.

Equipped Equipment

One concern players had was whether there would be additional effects beyond愤怒 on the provided gear. However, it's confirmed that there won't be any extra bonuses like item or spell bonuses, which may have disappointed some offensive players. Nevertheless, it levels the playing field for neutral classes like普陀山 and阴曹地府, who won't gain significant advantages from such effects.

Tips for Success

One practical tip is to rename your pets before entering the test server. Changing pet names, such as specific types like幽萤娃娃 and蚌仙子, can help disguise their true nature and confuse opponents. Additionally, altering the names of perception and high-level magic pets can add an extra layer of strategy.

Common Restrictions

Players cannot use baby monsters for breeding or modifying skills.
Merchandise from the store is not available, and no creature scrolls are given.
Pets cannot be released or have skills unauthenticated.
There's no仙玉 recharge or in-game currency generation.
Players start with a standard 5th-level array and no assistants.
Name changes are prohibited, and color customization is limited.
None of the pets have ghost-type abilities.
Only three equipment slots can have special effects.
Players can freely form teams, not necessarily with their own squad.
The server is open from 15-18 PM, shutting down afterward.
World chat is enabled.
Players can send gifts in the space, but photo sharing is untested.

For more in-depth guides and updates on Dream of the Westward Journey Mobile, visit the K73 Gaming Home for the game.

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