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发布网友 发布时间:4小时前



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 21:36

Dear Mr Cowan,
This earthquake had been a real disaster... Where are you now? Have you gone back to your country? I believe you should return home.
We have received much foreign aid, and I feel that all of human race is one big family. Friendly people are worthy of respect.
I just want to know how you are now. Everyone's been worn out, but we will not succumb to difficulties. Disasters make us stronger still.
Hope that everyone would be kept safe, no matter where you are...

Wishing you peace,
Your student and friend,

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 21:36

this earthquake is really the disaster ......where are you, returned to homeland now? I thought that you should go home. this we have received many foreign aid, I thought that the humanity is a big family, the friendly people are worth respecting. I said that these are only actually want to know your present's situation. Recently everybody was very tired, but the people will not submit. The disaster will let everybody be firmer. hoped that everybody is safe. Where regardless of the body does wish you in ...... to be safe. your student concurrently friend Hyde

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 21:37

the earthquake is a real disaster
where R U right now,R U back to Ur homecountry?U`d better come back home.
we`ve got a lot of assistants from many foreign countries this time,I reckon humanbeing surrounding as a big family,friendly people R respectful.
I wonder Ur condition now by telling U this.We R tired recently but will not give in.disaster makes us even tougher.
wish everyone would be safe,no matter where
wish U safe.
Ur student & also friend

Wishing you peace,Your student and friend,Hyde


So I send you our wedding photos. I hope you can share our joys!


I am going home at the start of July, because I want to see my family. We have all experienced so much!我7月初回家,因为我想家里人了。我们都很期待(我回家)I agree that this disaster can only make people stronger. Are you back at school now?我同意这个灾难只会让人们更坚强...

请大家帮我把这条短信 翻译成英文 多谢了

hello, Mr. Chen, I am Shi, Na who called you yesterday. I am so sorry to disturb you yesterday. May I call you when you have time?


It was great to get your letter!The life is normal again since quite a long time in Deyang. One of the buildings in our school can not be used any more. I heard there are some organizations in Hongkong who made donation for us, maybe when I go to senior high school, I...


For my future is unknown, can you tell me which do you think is much more important, career or love? If it is convenient,I'd like to know about the love story of yours .我自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助,我的英语水平你完全可以放心,六级已过,因为不是英语专业,不想考8级了 ...


我想我会努力学习英文……I think I will try my best in learning English.……噢,总之,非常感谢你,回忆总是美好的。Anyway, thank you very much. Memories are always beautiful.啊啊……我不知道怎么说……我真不知道怎么表达,就是谢谢你,以及我很想你!ah, It's really hard to express...


in your school, and have the intention to apply for the relevant major of master degree in your school. It would be appreciated if you could give me more information about the tuition, scholarship, and the relevant information. Thank you! Hope to receive your reply soon....

帮我翻译一下这封短信 谢谢 在线等

hello 你好 am glad to hear from you.很高兴收到你的来信 i love chinese food but not all the chinese food that i have eaten before.我非常喜爱中国食物.我以过去吃去i would like u to tell me more about yourslef. 我喜欢你告诉我更多关于你的情况 thanks for your reply you have ...


英文是:Who can translate this English message for me.重点词汇:message 英['mesɪdʒ]释义:n.口信,消息;(书籍、演讲等的)要旨,主题思想;(从大脑发给身体某部位或身体某部位向大脑发送的)信息;购物;<美>电视广告;<英>差使;启示,教训;(先知的)预言 v.(尤指以...

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