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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 14:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 19:25

An energy and oil, coal, natural gas and so on is becoming smaller and smaller, and the energy prices are soaring, the public electricity is also more and more nervous, so solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy has been given more and more attention. The most easily seen to be recognized is solar energy, we can often see solar water heater, in the city or town near the solar street lamp, solar cooker. So now the solar energy technology is relatively mature, the development speed is very fast, in 2002 the global solar cell and PV mole output of about 600MW, of which Japan accounted for 45%, the United States of America 25%, Europe about 22%. Japan is the development of photovoltaic instry is the fastest because of the home, in less than 10 years more than the United States in 2001, the world's top 10 solar cell proction plant, Japan has 4. As we all know, solar energy is inexhaustible, be inexhaustible renewable clean energy, is the national policy to support the instry in chaoyang. The solar energy represents the green energy, inexhaustible, be inexhaustible, is rich in resources, the development and application of everywhere can, without exploitation and transportation, no pollution and destroy the ecological balance etc.. Humans also need to constantly reproce it, then the energy will need to be constantly added, seeking new sources of energy that humans need non-stop pursuit of goals, people need to keep to the unknown field of curiosity and for things like the spirit of exploration, solar energy and a variety of new energy will be in the near future, on the energy instry home.
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