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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 07:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 21:12

1.As is said before, please check the attachment that customers' information sharing once two week. Wish it good beginning!

2.At present all freshmen of our company are heading to x together. Please arrange their training as soon as possible, thanks!

3.Please prepare for the rest quantity of procts Y as soon as possible.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 21:13

1. As discussed before, sharing the customer information once in 2 weeks, please check the attachment. Hope this is a good start.
2. At present, the newbie all around the country are get together in the X, hope you can arrange the training job on X as soon as possible, thank you!
3. Please arrange the number of rest of proct Y as soon as possible.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 21:13

1、As mentioned before, the customer information sharing every two weeks, please confirm the enclosures. Hope this is a good beginning.
2、The new members are gathering in X. We hope you can arrange the training work of X as early as possible, thank you!
3、Please arrange the quantity of remaining goods of proct Y as soon as possible.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 21:14

1 As we previously agreed, here is the sharing information of the customers of the last two weeks, please check your attachment email. and I hope this will be a good start between us.

2. As all the fresh blood are gathering in the X all over China presently, we hope that you can arrange and carry out the training in X for them as soon as possible , thank you!

3. Please organise the remaining quantity of proct Y as soon as you can.
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