Mac版Topaz Photo AI软件用户界面介绍
发布时间:2024-10-03 13:25
时间:2024-10-05 07:34
Maximizing the potential of your photos, Topaz Photo AI offers a user interface that intelligently enhances image quality and resolution. Let's delve into its 8 key sections:
Preview: After processing, the preview showcases the changes made to your original image. Zoom in and pan to inspect specific areas; simply click and hold or press space to toggle between the edited and unaltered versions.
Display Modes and Zoom: Use the scroll wheel or menu to adjust zoom levels, and click the eye icon to view the original. You can choose from three preview display configurations.
Single, Split, and Parallel Views: Presenting the edited image in different ways, these views allow for comparison and inspection of the original alongside the transformed version.
Mini Preview: This feature facilitates quick navigation by smoothly scrolling through the image to focus on desired sections.
Image Settings: Containing AI filters, image quality, and advanced settings, adjust these parameters to fine-tune your editing process.
Preview Status: Indicating whether the preview is processing or complete, changes to settings or viewport movement will trigger a refresh.
File Information: Displays the selected file and software version, along with the option to check for updates.
Updates and Preferences: Access the in-app update feature to review changelogs and upgrade Topaz Photo AI. The preferences menu allows customization of settings according to your preferences.
Autopilot and Additional Options: From the Autopilot tab, manage AI filters and intensities, and other sections handle tasks like file management, editing options, and zoom functionality.
Support and Account Functions: Easily log out, check for updates, or seek assistance through the "Help" option.
This interface is designed to simplify the editing process, ensuring you have all the tools you need to unleash the full potential of your photographs.