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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 06:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:55

The hour is at hand, Allen Walker,and the new moonns of evil grow stronger at night, as the violent storm builds something deeper than your weakness. Now is the time to X. A Black Order can help you understand your gifts. Welcome to your new home, young exorcist(驱魔师). We are the last bastion(堡垒) and we were gone dark in the struggle between good and evil. One villain stands ablove the rest--the dread Millennium Earl(千年伯爵).He must be stopped before he locates the missing Innocence,and purchases the earth of all humanity for ever.

Here your journey begins.There will be danger but you won't be alone. And if you survive long enough you may discover even stronger X within you.Allen Walker ,you are the last hope of humanity.You are the one,Allen.The future depends on your strength.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:55

the hour is that hand our worker,and the evil go strong with the night ,as the violence ,now is the time to ,th black order can help you understand your games,welcome to your new home ,here your jouney begins

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:55

the alleres that hand allen walt and the evil go strong with the night

as the violence strong something deep in more wakens ,now is the time to initiate

the black order can help you understand your gifts

welcome to your new home young xxxxxx we are the last bastard if you are right

Do your world gone dark in the struggle between good and evil

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

he must be stopped before he located the missing innocents

and xxxxx the earth of all the humanity for ever

here you journey begins

there will be danger too long to be enough

if you survive long enough

you may discover even stronger power begins

allen walt you are all the last hope of humanity

you are the one allen the future depends on your string

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:56

提高到200分让强人帮你全听出来吧 有点难的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:55

The hour is at hand, Allen Walker,and the new moonns of evil grow stronger at night, as the violent storm builds something deeper than your weakness. Now is the time to X. A Black Order can help you understand your gifts. Welcome to your new home, young exorcist(驱魔师). We are the last bastion(堡垒) and we were gone dark in the struggle between good and evil. One villain stands ablove the rest--the dread Millennium Earl(千年伯爵).He must be stopped before he locates the missing Innocence,and purchases the earth of all humanity for ever.

Here your journey begins.There will be danger but you won't be alone. And if you survive long enough you may discover even stronger X within you.Allen Walker ,you are the last hope of humanity.You are the one,Allen.The future depends on your strength.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:55

the hour is that hand our worker,and the evil go strong with the night ,as the violence ,now is the time to ,th black order can help you understand your games,welcome to your new home ,here your jouney begins

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:55

the alleres that hand allen walt and the evil go strong with the night

as the violence strong something deep in more wakens ,now is the time to initiate

the black order can help you understand your gifts

welcome to your new home young xxxxxx we are the last bastard if you are right

Do your world gone dark in the struggle between good and evil

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

he must be stopped before he located the missing innocents

and xxxxx the earth of all the humanity for ever

here you journey begins

there will be danger too long to be enough

if you survive long enough

you may discover even stronger power begins

allen walt you are all the last hope of humanity

you are the one allen the future depends on your string

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 14:56

提高到200分让强人帮你全听出来吧 有点难的
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