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Grandma lost you spend
They play a very happy. I heard Ming said:" look at me 'flying feet '!" Said, he returned two step, all of a sudden kick football, like an arrow shot into the air. " Wind" of the A, the football towards the king grandma home balcony fly. " Bang " sound, the ball hit on the balcony of a" oleander". " Oleander" fell from the balcony. " Crash", the pot is broken. Grandma Wang heard the news, immediately," ah, my flower!"

Xiao Gang and Bob became foolish eye, staring at the broken pot. They thought:" how to do?" He scratched his head and asked Xiao Ming:" we can run away!" Xiao Gang said: "no, or compensate for flowers." Xiaoming says:" it's not being found, go." Xiao Gang said:" but, Grandma Wang will be sad! Besides, be a good boy should be honest." But, have no one to convince anyone, they go home.

The very next day after school, they each held a potted plant, invariably give grandma for flowers. He looked at Xiao Gang and said:" I think the night, or you're right." Then, they speak with the ground to say: " grandma sorry, we broke your flowers. It is with your flowers", she said:" the children, should pay attention to the future, spend not lost."

The emergence of the Internet to promote the human communication. The Internet has weakened the interpersonal relationship. Here are the Internet brings us advantage:Online shopping: many merchants into network, provide online shopping service for customers. Through the Internet, you can sit...


he smiled to me as usual. Sucn a beautiful smile made me warm and moved.Mr.Sun is the teacher who not only gives me knowledge but also encourages me to be positive all the time. I will never forget his smiles.纯手打,希望能够帮到你!

求一篇关于追求的英语作文 拜托各位高手了!

though we are of same race, due to our different life trail, we end up pursuing different meaning of life. Some of these meanings are big, such as to change the world,


Grandma lost you spend They play a very happy. I heard Ming said:" look at me 'flying feet '!" Said, he returned two step, all of a sudden kick football, like an arrow shot into the air. " Wind" of the A, the football towards the king grandma home balcony fly. " ...


我来帮你吧!The Windsor Castle Friends,have you ever been to the Windsor Castle in England? Luckily,I have a chance to visit it.Now let me tell you about it.It's situated at Windsor Town,26 kilometres away from London.It's near the River Thames,and it's the oldest catle...


My name is Rita. I am 22 years old,and I was a lovely lightly girl which just graduated from SuZhou economy and commercial trade occupational college.The major i am learning at is modern physical distribution.I am the vice office cheif at college student congress and commissary ...


My best friend is LIN. It has been six years since I saw her the first time at junior high school. We are very close, we play together, travel together and even live together. Sometimes we cook for eachother. When childhood we both had very short hair , just like boys,...

...last summer vacation" 为题,写一篇英语作文!!高手进!急急急!!

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I ...

...for next semester为题,写一篇短文,急吖...麻烦各位高手了...

my plan for next semester翻译为:我下个学期的计划。l find that teachers fall into two categories - those that have more trouble with students and those that have more trouble with administrative tasks. I'm in the latter category. My classes are large and short (just got cut to...

急求关于虐待动物的英语作文 120字

Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create ...

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