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法裔移民到加拿大的历史简介 要英语的 很急 在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 12:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 05:50

Québec wants to seperate from Canada (which is something the governement of Canada is trying yo avoid) and so English Canada doesn't really want to say that the first to arrived and the ones who created Canada were the French and their descendant. That would legetimate our claim for our own country.

Jacques Cartier discovered Canada in 1534. He took possession of the territory in the name of the King of France. The real colonization began only in the early 1600, with the creation of the city of Québec by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. Champlain worked very hard to bring people from France to Canada with not alot of success. In the beginning of the personnal reign of Louis XIV (1660s), the king and his minister Colbert created a whole new immigration program. One of the reason they wanted to develop immigration to Canada was to counterbalance the power that the English were gaining in that territory with their own colonies in the south. The other reason was economic. Mercantilism was a good thing for France. They would buy the natural procts here (fur, leather,etc..) and manufactured them in France, making hats and everything. Then they would sell it back to the colony. That kind of economy is good for France because it gives work to French people in France, they sell the finish proct higher than the price at which they bought the ressources and some of the natural ressources we had here were not available in France.
So in the 1660s, Louis XIV and Colbert were encouraging immigration to Canada. People would come here upon a 3 year contract. They would be paid their trip by boat and in return, they had to work here for 3 years. After 3 years they were free to leave of stay and build their own life here. Some were staying but alot were leaving.
Other immigrants were also the soldiers of the Regiments that were send here. Alot of them stayed and married Canadian women.

I'm not sure about the date of the most part of the immigration to the USA. My specialty is mostly the 17th and 18th centuries. I know some left because they had no more business to do here and that they felt that the government were pressuring them too much. But I'm really not sure about that. If I find anything about it in my books, I'll let you know.

I hope I could help you a bit with the first part of my answer tho.
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