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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 14:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 17:02

With the deep development of our national economy and the globalization of media, Network grows up as one of the most vital aspects for the development of our national media. And in recent year the popularity of Weibo which is Chinese version of Twitter even bring tradition media into a new stage. Here we are going to elaborate the definition of weibo, the development of weibo. And at last we’ll talk about the prospect of our national media by focusing on the strength and weakness we are facing right now. By improving the quality of management we hope weibo will work better for our nation media in the near future.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 17:00

Chinese Abstract : in our country the development of the market economy and the globalization of media under the influence of the network news media, has become China's news media to win further development important way. In recent years, the rise of network micro-blog has driven the development of news propagation. This paper first defines the definition of micro-blog, micro-blog rise development process, then China's micro-blog news dissemination of the advantages and disadvantages were introduced and analyzed, finally this paper analyzed the development trend of micro-blog news communication, which further improves the micro-blog deficiencies, improve the micro-blog management.
Key words: micro-blog; journalism; effect of

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 17:01

Abstract: In the in-depth development of China's market economy and the impact of globalization of the media, network news media became the news media in China has won an important way for further development. In recent years, the rise of the network of microblogging has driven the development of the dissemination of information. This paper first defines the definition of microblogging, On the development of the rise of microblogging, and then the strengths and weaknesses of the news media microblogging introduced, and finally summarizes and analyzes the development trend of China's microblogging news media, which further improve the lack of microblogging, perfect microblogging management.
Keywords: microblogging; news media; impact
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