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写出一篇英语日记 内容是一个初中生的一天 初二 字数不限不少于40字

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 19:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 19:15

Today is sunny. I get up early in the morning and run in the park. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Suddenly I meet my teacher. she still runs here. So we run together for about 30 minutes and then we go home happily.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 19:16

[introduction]: I am a slow write, because a soon to write good, and, and, and, not wrong too much, is not well written, and at this moment, I heard the "collection of poetry in 5 minutes" I wrote it at top speed. Finished the "collection".
Morning, I slowly got out of bed, stretched, began to brush teeth, wash your face, my mother and my father went downstairs to eat breakfast, I had 3 plates of noodles, 3 hot dogs, 3 cups of Soybean Milk, 1 disc pork braised in brown sauce.
Dad drove me to school, to go.
I went to school, have a look the day, disorderly, like the end of the.
Come to class, the students are in the office, I look at the blackboard:
Write "Jason Jiang", "spring" early spring is part of eighteen members "send" Zhang "poetry.
I slowly write, because a soon to write good, and, and, and, not wrong too much, is not well written, and at this moment, I heard the "collection of poetry in 5 minutes" I wrote it at top speed. Finished the "collection".
After a long time, finally finally, I began to write my homework, write "ok"
Study of "OK", the mother then began chanting, "this is not good, not good......" Listen, I covered his ears and said: "well the".
"Pa!" "Hum......" "Rewriting!" Hey! Go to bed before 8, normal 6 points down to play.
This is my day.
同龄人早发育好还是晚发育好 小孩晚熟正常吗? 女孩子身体发育的早晚跟童子身有关系吗? 自喷漆如何晾干 自喷漆一般几分钟能干 自动静电喷塑流水线 玫瑰茉莉薄荷茶有什么功效 平面磨床哪家的好 十大名牌平面磨床 手机病毒查杀软件推荐选择最好的手机病毒查杀软件 配豆浆稀饭的,除了油条,还有软糯Q弹的南瓜麻圆怎么做出来? 肝癌手术引流管放哪里 肝癌手术切除后,如果引流管的水大量流进腹腔的话会引起全身转移吗? 肝癌术后引流液多久可以消失 海淀区车号以哪个字母开头 为什么在安卓应用宝里下我的世界,原来明明应用宝上显示着0.14.1的下... 从昨天开始 我的手机应用宝就老是自动下载我的世界加速器。。。还有... 我的世界不用下应用宝就能玩 有一款手机游戏原始人可以打动物和捡石头盖房子日落之前必须回来_百度... 应用宝里下载的我的世界是不是正版? 怎么申请apple id 手机怎么申请apple id 应用宝里的我的世界有病毒吗 我想申请微信号用手I机号申请微信号 什么少女心 2018夏天少不了冰淇淋的心情说说 没有雪糕的夏天太不完整的句子朋友圈... 为什么QQ空间有些照片显示暂时无法查看 qq空间照片显示暂时无法打开是怎么会事 ...加了什么词就变成了副词动词名字形容词 这是怎么区分的? ...该怎么变呢?比如 副词的存在是干什么的 形容词很不定代词在一_百度... ...吗?我看到有说加o的,还有其他词缀,到底是怎么样? 写一篇“A Nice day”的日记,40~60个字.(英语) 怎么知道ThinkPad电脑是真是假? ...空调和冰箱电容是起启动做用的吗?3、线路版上面的电容一般,什么情况... 距离广州东站最近的民生银行 我喜欢看机器人丶外星人(爱情,战争,动作)类的电影,你有介绍吗?越多越好... 关于机器人的电影有哪些,最近看了好多短片,关于机器人的。好像是好莱坞... 电脑和显示器用vga连接,但显示器一开电显示dvi无信号,然后黑屏,主机过来... 手势密码在哪里设置? 请问我的两个微信号绑定在一个手机号,该怎么切换? 问道装备在哪认主 一个手机号绑定了两个微信号,怎么切换账号 先锋HTP-550简介 思露德HTP-20F11其他参数 ...就交给了我,回到单位宿舍大家以为我带的什么好东西,都..._百度... ...出现异常,望解决,谢谢Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPo... java菜鸟问题报错:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatExc... JAVA入门:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError... 索爱st18i散热如何及行货版的耳机型号? 从武昌坐火车到深圳,到的是西站or东站?去虎门,出站能找到汽车站去虎门么... 我的LT26i怎么不能用耳机啊。。用了别人好几个耳机都完全不能用...