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以My next vacation plan为题目写一篇英语作文,80字数左右,哪位高手...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 20:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 05:47

I had a realxing vacation last summer

I went to the Inner Mongolia Grassland. It was beautiful. After two day's train ride, I got to Inner Mongolia.The first day,I just visited the grassland. It was wonderful.We can't see any big grassland around Hangzhou.In the grassland,the grass was high and it reached my foot.There were also many sheeps and cows there.They were very clever,I saw the herdsman let them eat grass in the morning.

It is so big. You can't see the end of the grassland.The second,I went horseback riding.I got on a brown horse by my self.And I'm good at riding,because I rode horses many times. The horse took walks in the grassland, I also see other interesting places.

In the evening,i joined the Singing and Dancing Party. It is a traditional party of people who live in Inner Mongolia Grassland. i listened many songs there.That night,i slept in a traditional Mongolia house.It was nice,although i felt very cold at midnight.And that must be a lot more fun than sleeping at our home. The people there were very friendly to me.And i also watched some traditional matches like horse-riding match.

Then ,i want to tell you my new plan about my next vacation.

Spring Festival is Chinese New Year's day. It always comes in February.It is a good time for me to have a great vacation.I always just stay at home or go around Hangzhou.But this time,i want to go somewhere different.I heard that Beijing is a beautiful city with a long history.Beijing is the capital city of China.I'm going to visit some interesting places ,such as Temple of Heaven、the Summer Palace. And i'm also going to go bike riding, fishing, skateboarding, shopping and other interesting things.
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