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Sweetbox的《Candygirl》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 01:13



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 12:42


Sweetbox - Candygirl
let me be your candygirl .
come into my chocolate world .
sweet and sexy .
baby,come and taste me.
let me be your candygirl .
come into my chocolate world .
sweet and sexy .
baby,come and taste me.
me got the sweetest candy you ever tasted .
one lick like a starvin' kid you cravin',
but I'm saving the treat for the trick .
buy me ifts of course and maybe.
I'll let you taste it,chocolate candy treats .
butter pecan,vanilla,peach,finger-lickin' sweets .
that give you cavites and possibilities .
you wanna marry me, please .
you got to get down and get these .
it's my world,chocolate candygirl .
you're just a squirrel, you wanna nut .
let me be your candygirl, what's up .
soft,thick and sexy .
you pick the best of me .
open up and I can be your candy.
let me be your candygirl .
come into my chocolate world .
sweet and sexy .
baby,come and taste me.
let me be your candygirl .
come into my chocolate world .
sweet and sexy .
baby,come and taste me.
imagine me on a stick .
you like the icy flavors .
strawberry,cherry,grape,and lemon .
twenty four seven .
you're the one I'm sweatin',never forgotten.
written kittens never dip in .
without they mittens .
do you believe in candy-covered treats . uhh
cause I believe in candy-covered meats .
so sweet, my sugar level's gettin' kind of week .
take my hand, I want you to be my candyman
let me be your candygirl .
come into my chocolate world .
sweet and sexy .
baby,come and taste me.
let me be your candygirl .
come into my chocolate world .
sweet and sexy .
baby,come and taste me.

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