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it's the third time I___him this month

发布网友 发布时间:4小时前



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 16:36

it's ...time后都跟现在完成时

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 16:36

选D 现在完成时,有可能延续到将来

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 16:36

D 就可以了。
it's the third time i have seen him this month

答案:B.根据It’s the third time I ___ him this month,可知这里考查了It is+the+序数词+time+that从句句型,因为是“看到”这个动作已经完成,强调对于现在的影响,所以从句的时态通常用现在完成时,现在完成时的构成是:主语+have/has+动词的...

it's the third time I___him this month

it's ...time后都跟现在完成时

It's the third time ___late this month. A.that you arrived B.whe...

你好。答案是D 记住以下结构:1 It / This is the first / second / third time that +句子---(用现在完成时)比如:It / This is the first / second / third time that Tom has asked me for money help.2 It / This was the first / second / third time that +句子-...

( )it's the third time ___ late this month. A.that you arrived...

选c,这个地方是强调句型,it is ```that```固定结构,然后就是另外一个固定用法,it is the ```th time that sb have ```,就是当中间的强调部分是序数词的时候后面一定要用完成时,前面的be动词是过去式的时候后面用过去完成时,前面的be动词用现在时的时候后面对应的用现在完成时。希望对你...

英语单选题: 1, It's the third time ___ late this

C,截止目前这个月你已经迟到三次了,所以是现在完成时,C。D,定语从句的引导词,the young men competed (in the games),所以是in which,望采纳

it's the third time __late this month

It is the third time that he has been late this month.这个句型结构是:是某人第几次做某事 It is the frist time that I have seen an elephant. 这是我第一次看到大象。注意:It was the first time that I had seen an elephant.(特别要注意时态)还有一个句式和它是相同的:(把第几...

It's the third time __late this month

It /That/This 【is 】the...time that sb 【have done sth】It /That/This【was】the...time that sb 【had done sth】结合日常生活实际,能够计算到【这是第几次做某事】,表明该动作已经发生,因此,要用完成时态——主句用现在时,从句用现在完成时;主句用过去时,从句用过去完成时。

It’s the third time ___ late this month. A. that you arrived B...

正确答案应该是:It’s the third time _【that you have_been/arrived _】_ late this month.原因:这是固定句型结构中的时态搭配——【某人第几次做某事】It /That/This 【is 】the...time that sb 【have done sth】It /That/This【was】the...time that sb 【had done sth】深入...

it's the third time you__late this month A have

B have arrived ~~祝您学习进步~~~如果你认可我的答案,请点击“采纳为满意答案”~~~如果你还有其他疑问,请点击“追问”~~~我将尽全力帮您解答~~

it is the third time you have arrived late this month.

It is/was the+序数词+time + that 结构( sb. have/had done sth. )这是某人第几次做某事.如前面用is, that后就用现在完成时; 如前面用was,that后就用过去完成时;1. 此句前面是用的is, 因此后面就用现在完成时.2.arrive是不及物动词, 可单独使用, 后面不必跟到达的地点.reach是及物...

thethirdmonth的汉意 I don’t know him thirdmonth the third year I think of him I still love him I like him best third term I heard him
竹笋快速生长的过程叫拔节 ...上打4000块钱认证金就能把卡号该过要打认证金吗? 我想问问房间太过潮湿怎么处理 装修好房屋墙面防潮怎么做 潮湿怎么解决房子潮湿如何解决 斜面的摩擦力问题 像"斑斓“这样表示颜色多的词语还有哪些? 你能写出几个与十二生肖的有... 广元红星塔相关背景 广元红星塔简介 西红柿疙瘩汤如何做简单又美味? It's the third time you (had been,have been,were.are)late this wee... 已知矩形ABCD中,E是AD上的一点F是AB上一点,EF=EC,且EF丄EC,DE=2cm,A... 定语从句 It's the third time that you have arrived late this... 如图,已知矩形ABCD中,E是AD上一点,F是AB上的一点,EF⊥EC,且EF=EC,DE... 英语单选题: 1, It's the third time ___ late this it's the third time you__late this month A have it's the third time __late this month ( )it's the third time ___ late this month. A.that you arrived... It's the third time ___late this month. A.that you arrived B.whe... 我应该怎么疼我的女朋友,怎么做啊 ?因为这个她不理我了 ,怎么办 啊... ...由于途中有2。4千米的路面在维修,只能推车步行,步行 战舰世界5.2.2更新内容介绍介绍_战舰世界5.2.2更新内容介绍是什么_百 ... 某人要到相距三点三千米的A地去办事,他步行的速度是每分90米,跑步速... 方程:1、4x+2分之1x=9 2、8分之5x-5分之3=5分之2 各位帮帮忙 F-6F战斗机F6F家族 某人要到相距2.4千米的地方去,要求在18分钟内到达.已知这人每分走90... 1/9x=3/5,2/3x=2,4x=6/13怎么算? 送女友被子、餐具什么的会不好吗? 某人要到相距2.4千米的地方去办事,要求在18分钟内到达,已知这个人每... 9分之5加2x等于3分之2 25减5x÷7等于20 1÷(5分 (2010?丹东)已知:A、B、C、D、E、F六种物质是初中化学常见的物质.A... ConceptDraw MINDMAP思维导图软件工具介绍 (2014?丹东二模)如图,在矩形ABCD中,O为AC中点,EF过O点且EF⊥AC分别交... 向国税汇报财务亏损情况如何写? 递等式计算.五分之四-八分之三-四分之一 用递等式计算[(五分之四减四分之一)再✖️十一分之6]除以二十分之... 数学题(五分之一四减去四分之一加上八分之三)乘以六分之五 ...平方乘四分之一除以π乘2.5的平方乘二分之一的积用递等式计算... 二分之一乘以二分之一递等式计算 5分之二除以4分之一奥数怎么解 VMware做无盘客户机启动超慢 递等式 二分之一加四分之一减六分之一的差 四分之九减四分之一加五分... 汽车三元催化故障灯亮了是什么问题? 网络电视机顶盒:英菲克i9,四核八显,1G内存,和天敏D6四核八显,1G内存... 天敏d9和英菲克英菲克网络机顶盒怎么样 天敏DMP200 和英菲克i8rm播放器哪个好 天敏D6和英菲克I9哪个好 3.5x6一3x=11.4怎样解方程 3.5×6-3+x=11.4怎么检验? 从长沙汽车西站到长沙动物园怎么坐车?