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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 10:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:35

Grow net in the spring City an assistant network engineer
Be responsible for helping a network engineer to carry on a maintenance to area net in the department bureau of network support, making this employee can at
The safety convenient network environment descends to transact, economizing cost for the company, raising an efficiency. Raised to the calculator network-mainly is a bureau area net and virtual bureau area net of the cloth establish with maintenance ability.
The University of Jilin protects a safe information student's assistant
BE protected a sherriff to lead directly, be responsible for leading University of Jilin south school area in the lake all safe information members
Carry on a safe information collection, the safety ecation preaches to protect a school brigade with holidays student etc. business.Raised team consciousness, manage an ability.Ability with since is a classmate is also the member of team of war ally to get along well, and help to protect a police officer to arrest burglar one person.
The correspondence engineering college athletics department minister of the University of Jilin
Succeed to organize a for many times large athletics activity, and help college organization the athlete selection of the sports games and
The literature performs to wait a work.
Succeed to organize college sport brigade to attend a school sports games, help college at 2005 luck in the University of Jilin school
Move will ascend with total divide 39 cent of the result won the 5th history best result.
The association consociation of the University of Jilin meeting basketball association chairman
Once organized many basketball activities, pass a contact company, moderate peace negotiations to judge, the total amount attraction sponsored 5000
Remaining dollar.
Organizing the school area safe information member subsidizes narrow circumstances to drop out of school a child
The contact of passing the school comes home province in Jilin three branch rivers to increase prosperous prosperous ditch village in the town drop out of school because of congenital B liver
Of 晖 , and the total amount subsidize its more than 3000 dollarses


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:35

Netcom network in Changchun City Assistant Engineer
Network engineers responsible for assisting the Department of network support for LAN maintenance, in the headquarters staff
Security convenient office network environment, cost savings for the company, improved efficiency.
Has the level of computer networks - primarily LAN and Virtual LAN deployment and maintenance capacity.
Jilin University student assistant den Safety Information
Sergeant leading directly affected by the stove, responsible for leading the South Lake Campus of the Jilin University Rapporteur all security information
To carry out safety information collection, security, propaganda and ecation for the students leave school team affairs.
Raising awareness of the team, management capacity. Both students also with the team became a comrade-in-arms,
Police officers and assist den thieves arrested one person.

Jilin University Department of Communication Engineering College Sports Minister
The successful organization of several large-scale sports activities, and assist in college selection and organization of athletes and Games
Theatrical performances and so on.
Successful organizations to participate in school sports teams School Games to assist the Institute in 2005 Jilin University Win
Moving to score 39 points at the accomplishments won the first five historical best.
Jilin University Basketball Association, Federation of Societies
Many organizations basketball activities, through associated companies, coordination and negotiations, has attracted sponsorship 5000
Ms yuan.
Members of the Organization campus safety messages poor children out of school funding
Through school linked to the three who lives in Jilin Province Chahe by Morishige booming Village hepatitis B and out of school e to congenital
The Zhao Hui, and the accumulated fund its more than 3,000 yuan.
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