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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 23:08



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 20:01

◎ 以先进的资讯科技和管理方法为手段,促进效率最大化。
◎ Maximizing the efficiency by means of taking advantage of information technology and management methods.
◎ 以人才、技术、品质、服务为竞争优势,促进企业价值最大化。
◎ Stimulating enterprise value maximized by taking advantages of the talent, the technology, the quality and the service.
◎ 我们努力铸造四种人才组合:智者、实者、亲民者、开拓者。
◎ Endeavoring to aggregate four kinds of person: the wisdom, the doer, the amiable and the exploiter.
◎ 我们提倡的是:我们要制造一流的产品,更要打造一流的团队;我们鼓励英雄的个人,更鼓励英雄的集体。
◎ We believes that: making the first-class procts as while as building the top-ranking teams, encouraging both the hero indivial and collective.
◎ 我们的工作格言是:以诚信、专业、创新吸引人,以制度激励人,用人格感染人,用魅力领导人。
◎ Our working proverb is "to attracting people by integrity, to encourage people by rules, to affect people by personality and to lead people by charisma "
◎ 我们的成长格言是:助你增值,共享成果。
◎ Our development proverb is “to help you adding value, to share with you the achievement”
◎ 我们的工作规则是:能者上,平者让,庸者下,无功就是过,功小也是过。
◎ Our working rule is “ to promote the competent, to change the mediocrity, to retire the incompetent; both no achievement and little achievement is defect ”
◎ 我们的优秀员工标准是:专业+廉洁+敬业+效益。
◎ Our excellence staff standard is “profession + probity + dedication + High-Efficiency”

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 20:01

◎ take the advanced information science and technology and themanagement as the method, the promotion efficiency maximization.
◎ take the talented person, the technology, the quality, the serviceas the competitive advantage, the promotion enterprise valuemaximization.
◎ our diligently casting four kind of talented people combine: Wise,solid, cherishing the people, Trail Blazers.
◎ we advocate: We must make the first-class proct, must make thefirst-class team; We encourage the hero indivial, encourages thehero the collective.
◎ our work maxim is: By the good faith, the specialty, theinnovation attraction person, by the system drive person, infects theperson with the personality, with charm leader.
◎ our growth maxim is: Helps you to rise in value, sharingachievement.
◎ our work rule is: On those who are able, the unevenness lets,under commonplace, the idle work is, the merit is small also is.
◎ our outstanding staff standard is: Specialized + honest +professional + benefit.
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