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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 10:54



热心网友 时间:2023-12-30 19:31

I like English best
During those subjects,i like English best.The first reason is: i am very interested in languange, especially in English. As we know,business in China becomes more internationalized,English skills become more closely linked with salary levels.Fluent English equals higher pay.So, the second reason is: i want to get a good job. The third, our English teacher is excellent.i like her class.

However,how to learn English well? In my opinion,the first thing we must do is : to choose a suitable text book.It will be suitable for yourself.Then, to persist learning this text book till you can recite and understand each sentence in the book. Third, to do exercises. It inclodes: oral cxercise ,reading exercise, listening exercise, writing exercise. Skill comes from practice. If you had done those,the next work is to do plentiful reading and to recite excellint articles as much as you can. As the proverb says, easy to say ,difficult to do !Whatever we want to gain,we need to pay.At last, please remember to pay out your time, your diligence, your perseverance. The secret to success is just two words: to persist! Persist to do what you want to do even when all the others give up.

Aboves are my experience about learning English. Different people has different opinions.Those only for reference.Englilsh is my favorite subject. I think i will learn it well. I will gain more from the progress of learning English.
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