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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 04:33



热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 07:46

Fox is with the grape Hungry of the fox see the grape to up hang the radiant and extremely keen grape of a string, saliva direct current, and want to pick to eat, but again Can not take off.See in a short while, helplessly walked, and his side walk the side oneself to comfort to by oneself say:" this grape have noes familiar, affirmative Is sour." This is to say, and the some person's ability is small, and do to not accomplish anything, borrow to say the opportune moment immaturity. 狐狸和葡萄 饥饿的狐狸看见葡萄架上挂着一串串晶莹剔透的葡萄,口水直流,想要摘下来吃,但又 摘不到。看了一会儿,无可奈何地走了,他边走边自己安慰自己说:“这葡萄没有熟,肯定 是酸的。” 这就是说,有些人能力小,做不成事,就借口说时机未成熟ok?

热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 07:47

A French Traveler
A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He could speak English quite well but not perfectly. For one thing, his vocabulary was not large.
One day, he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs. But he couldn't remember the word for eggs.
Suddenly, through the window, he saw a rooster walking in the yard. He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English.
The waiter told him that it was called a rooster.
The Frenchman then asked what the rooster's wife was called.
The waiter told him that she was called a hen.
The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children were called.
The waiter told him that they were chickens.
The Frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born.
The waiter told him they were called eggs.
"Fine!" said the Frenchman. "Please bring me two eggs and a cup of coffee."
l.perfectly 熟练地
2. vocabulary 个人所使用的词汇量 (集合名词,单数概念.)
3. rooster 公鸡(美国英语,同cock.)
4.bird 此处泛指禽类。
点评 这位法国人说的英语实在不敢恭维;但他能利用极之有限的几个单词,解脱了困境,其急智与机巧令人叹服。

热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 07:47

到网上找: www.keknet.com

Fox is with the grape Hungry of the fox see the grape to up hang the radiant and extremely keen grape of a string, saliva direct current, and want to pick to eat, but again Can not take off.See in a short while, helplessly walked, and his side walk the side oneself to...


Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。There was once a shepherd to the sheep and found that the sheep pen was broken, someone advised him to fill the hollow as soon as possible, he did not listen, the next day the sheep indeed stolen. So he...



一篇英语口语测试一分钟展示作文 可以是自我介绍 不少于100字 最好把...

now i just bacame a college student.all i want to do now is to work hard and do my best on major study,so that i can be a teacher in the future,or a coach instead.above all ,i will try hard to achieve my dream,and make a world of my own!各位好,我的名字是*** ...

求助一篇英语口语演讲作文,100字以内(笑话,故事等均可)急急!_百度知 ...

uttering :“trust me, Sir, and trustthe money .They are real U.S. dollars. They.are directly from America. ”汉译:真美钞 一位中国老妇人到美国去看望女儿回来不久,到一家银行取存女儿送给她的美元。在银行柜台,银行职员认真仔细的检查了每一张钞票看,是否有假。这种做法使老妇人很不...


【篇一】Mom: Honey, when will you be home for dinner? The kids and I are waiting.妈妈:亲爱的,你什么时候回家吃晚饭?我和孩子们都在等你。Kevin: Mom, Lizzie took my Spiderman.凯文:妈妈,莉齐拿了我的蜘蛛侠。Lizzie: He started the fight. He called my names.莉齐:他先开始的...


Good morning,my dear teacher and my dear professors,It is my honor to be here for this interview. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good impression today. First, please let me introduce myself to you. My name 。。。, 。。 years ...


of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worr...


迎接挑战,那么我一定会成功。”“ 我不是为了失败才来到这个世界上的,我的血管里没有失败的血液在流动。”我相信我能拥有漂亮的口语.Valuable opportunity.When I'm on stage, find the words to poor, hating is very late, why don't usually have to make, not solid learn.


中文的意思是:大家早上/下午/中午/晚上 好,我的名字叫“XXX”,我今年“XXX”岁了 , 我非常荣幸你们愿意给我这个机会在这里面试 。 我是来自“XXX”(地方,如北京)的“XXX”大学 , 我学的专业是“XXX”!我是一个非常“XXX”(优点)的人,但始终,人无完人,我的缺点是“XXX”(写个...

参加英语口语比赛翻译 参加英语口语比赛用英语怎么说 参加英语口语大赛的好处英语 参加英语口语比赛 为什么参加英语口语比赛 英语口语比赛翻译 参加口语比赛总英语怎么说 参加英语口语比赛作文 英语口语比赛通知英语作文
...这一夜你还会为他熬夜吗?你有什么最想对他说的? 西南大学党委宣传部主要职责 平衡车进水晒干能用吗 平衡车进水了怎么办?可以晒吗? 客厅装修需要哪些电位 遗产继承如何规定 郴州酒店有哪些 郴州最大的酒店排名,郴州市内景区酒店 郴州酒店排名前十名,郴州旅游住酒店推荐 求生欲是什么意思? 翡翠手镯太小怎么戴 翡翠手镯小了怎么戴进去 实用英语口语大赛比赛技巧 好吃的水果荔枝400字作文 小米8青春版上不了4g是换天线吗? 荔枝的作文450字(写出功效作用) xbox手柄换新需要什么 吃什么东西可以让头发短时间内长长 吃什么头发容易长长 香肠中的食品添加剂有什么坏处 桃花绳结手链多久有效果 吃什么食物能让头发快速长长? 全国英语口语测评大赛是什么啊?? 一个人孤独的站在荒野的微信图片,能分析一下他的心里吗 丘吉尔演讲集英文原版哪有卖的? 豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯的英文是什么 ??谢谢! 求TED演讲集英文字幕下载地址 求王力宏牛津大学演讲稿中英文全篇,谢谢 我开了一家煎饼店离学校有段距离,而最近在学校的旁边又开了一家煎饼店(功夫煎饼) 开个煎饼店,需要什么设备? 开个20平的煎饼店需要什么证件?都好办么? 开家煎饼店需要多少钱 我爱故乡的荔枝的作文怎么写 招桃花的手链戴左手还是右手 小米8青春版无法使用4g 我用vivox21有4g 信号,用小米8青春版就没信号,卡是同一张 吃什么能使头发快速长长 高一英语口语比赛 小米8青春版玩王者荣耀用无线网无限出现460延迟情况,经过多次实验,握住顶端就会460,不然没事。 吃什么可以让头发快长长 小米8青春版的断流啥意思 男的戴什么招桃花运?带红绳子?手链?脚链? 什么是地狱 头发剪得太短了吃什么可以让头发迅速长长 急啊!我的小米手机青春版的数据流量打开后,还是上不了网,怎么解决呢? 地狱到底什么样?听说人死了之后到阴间和阳间一样生活过日子,是不是呀 初中作文,关于摘荔枝的 一篇我喜欢吃荔枝的作文 写出喜欢吃的原因,尤其要写出自己的感受. 社会实践活动报告的格式是怎样的? 求关于《荔枝》读后感的作文。 急求大学生暑期社会实践报告格式要求 跟藏在心中旳鲜荔枝相关作文450字 荔枝作文350字 谜语开头