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写给家长别吸烟的劝告信 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 03:39



热心网友 时间:2024-01-05 03:39

Smoking is harrnful to health.Medical science has now proved that smoking cancause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema.Your chances of having a heartattack also increase the more you smoke.Smoking is dafinitely a health hazard.吸烟对健康有害.医学已经证明吸烟能引起肺癌和其它疾病,如肺气肿.吸烟越多,得心脏病的机会也会增加.无疑吸烟对健康有害.
[edit] this paragraph 86.9% of passive smoking is harmful health title銆憁easures
There seems to be a man smoking 钬 like a whole other unrelated to any other person,his/her surviving family is under the hazards of passive smoking.According to the World Health Organization definition of passive smoking refers to non-smokers in more than one day a week day inhalation smokers Exhaled smoke no longer than 15 minutes.China 71 per cent of families,32% 25 per cent of public places and workplaces,钬 钬 a cigaret someone become passive smoking establishment.
[edit] this paragraph 86.9% of the four smoking on reproctive effects title銆憁easures
Many couples getting married for years but no children,then checked because the male sperm quality is poor,malformation rate is too high,and contribute to this were a cause of long-term smoking.In this respect,the experts pointed out that for men,to a healthy baby,it's better to stay away from tobacco.
Smoking increases the chances of vascular obstruction,corporal has a lot of inadequate blood supply microvascular,will result in the sexual function,an erection and lasting capacity,which will also be premature ejaculation treatment of impotence.In addition to smoke's chance of atherosclerosis.Clinical experience has shown that smokers suppresses sperm proction and to rece the chance to conceive.
According to the information showed that male smokers its normal sperm number rection of 10%.Anyone who uses a heavier,smoked a cigarette between 21 and 30,the deformity of the incidence of increased sperm; ceiling above 30 for a cigarette,malformation of spermatogenesis.The longer malformation smoking sperm more as normal sperm number of declining sperm motility will wear off.It has been on 5,000 pregnancy analysis where her husband smoked more than 10 for a cigarette,a substantial increase in fetuses mortality; smoking,the more the higher mortality rates.Husband smoking women,the proportion of defect than her husband,a non-smoking around 2.5 times higher.
Summary of on-time deliveries by smoking on fertility had the effect of the following four
1.the effects of smoking on the reproctive capacity
Oxford Family Planning Association in reproctive study most important observation is that fertility with smoking number rises assumes the remarkable decline.The study on 17,000 bit women of reproctive age 11 and a half years after the conclusion of is as follows:a lot of smoking can cause damage to the reproctive capacity of 10 cigarettes a day to stop using contraceptive measures,sterile rate was 10.7%,while that of non-smokers only sterile rate of 5.4%.Have to give up smoking women and never smokers women's fertility much the same.
Second,smoking can cause abnormal sperm
Florida College of psychologists by controlled trials to conclude that smoking has weakened the fertility of the man.They will smoking and nonsmoking all 43 people compare the two sections,where sperm are too large or too small,concentration or deformation,cavitating,multi-homed,multiple-tail and the trailer dysfunction as forms an exception.They found that smokers sperm normal value than non-smokers.At the same time,it was also found deformity and smoking in quantity.Smoke concentrates containing carcinogens,this substance also exists in the smokers ' body fluids,sperm accept this kind of carcinogens,prone to genetic aspects of damage.
Three,smoking can cause abnormal chromosome
The United States Karen Dr John Ure chromosome for setting out the levels of health hazards of tobacco,he to different groups of people smoking on,they found that in normal human 46 chromosomes in General only 7-10 exception than can be up to 20 000 chromosome occur sisters monomer interchangeable.At the same time,it was also found smoking history,the stronger the cigarette smoking,the higher its chromosome abnormity; the effects of smoking even if you stop smoking after 3 months still exists.In addition,the cell chromosome abnormality occurs in proportion to the 70% of smokers,non-smokers only about 15%.
4.women smoking ring pregnancy can result in a variety of hazards
On the fetus:(1) the high incidence of premature infants.According to a survey on 7499 illegal,the incidence of smoking group in premature infants to 12.5%,non-smoking section 6.8% compared to close to 100%.(2) the uterine contraction caused by smoking,an increase in the incidence of abortion.(3) the high incidence of congenital malformations.According to a set of reports,the incidence of infant congenital heart disease as 0.77% smoking,non-smoking groups are only 0.47 per cent,a significant differences.The effect of the placenta:smoking as a result of hypoxemia,clinical visible to the placenta,placental infarction and incidence of placenta previa.
So if you prepare the husband and wife is pregnant,at least to give up smoking more than 3 months to make sure that the body of harmful substances from the body.And you need to note that the mother:to avoid smoke inhalation,away from smoking and at home to avoid aspiration
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