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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 20:29



热心网友 时间:2023-05-23 14:18

给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports?
B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan.
A: Which is your favourite sport then?
B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?
A: I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms....
B: You'd better take up some sports, because sports can give you a perfect build and protect you from getting diseases easily.
A: Is that so? But sports are tiring sometimes...
B: Actually it is good for the metabolism...
B: 当然了,我是超级运动迷。
A: 那你最喜欢什么运动?
B: 其实运动对新陈代谢有好处......

mark:Hi mary ,where are you going ?mary,你要去哪?

mary:I am going to the gymnasium .我要去体育馆!

mark:Which sport do you like ? ping-pong badminton or volleyball ?你喜欢什么运动?乒乓球 羽毛球还是排球?

mary:Oh , no,i lke football very much ! 哦,不我喜欢足球!

mark:Wonderful , you are girl hero .好棒,你是一个能干的男孩.

mary:Thanks . Girl football is better than boy football in China !谢谢,中国的女足队要比男足队踢的更加好!

mark:Yeah , we must be great efforts now . The girl is more and more stronger now .是的,我们必须努力了,女孩现在越来越强大了.

mary:What about going with me ?和我一去怎么样?

mark:Oh ,great !好的! 三A: Hey, buddy, the Phoenix Apartment is good, let’s rent it, shall we?
B: Yeah, I do think so, it is good. It is well-designed, and also is fully furnished. Great!
A: The rent here is RMB 2000 per month, it will cost each of us RMB 1000 a month, sounds reasonable and acceptable.
B: Well, ahthough it has one frontage with street, it still quiet for study and sleep. The bus station nearby is very convenient for the transportation to work.
A: There are two separate bedrooms, we can choose one and can decorate the bedroom in our way.
B: The living room here is big and confortable, we can entertain our guests in the living room.
A: We can hang our washing out to get dry on the balcony, the prospect from the balcony is breathtaking too.
B: Well, if somebody want to smoke, it is better to smoke on the balcony instead of smoking inside, because the second-hand smoke is also bad to others.
A: You are right, we should make a “NO SMOKING” sign in the living room and force the guests smoke outside if they want to smoke.
B: How about the cleaning?
A: Good question, we have to make our room tidy and I think we should cleaning the whole apartment twice a week, OK?
B: OK. Why do we drawing up a roommate agreement? We can write down all the mentioned details we talked before, and we can observe the rules in the agreements in the future.
A: Great! Let’s go to rent the apartment now and them done the agreement, let’s go!
B: Buddy, let’s go.


A: Are you ready to go shopping?

B: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of things that we need.

A: Good idea. Have you written down potatoes, carrots (胡萝卜),

and onions (洋葱)?

B: I don’t have onions on my list. I’ll add them. We should get some tea.

Is green tea ok or should we get the same tea that we usually get?

A: Let’s get both. We need some coffee too. Is that on your list?

B: Yes, it is. Here’s my list. Is there anything that I’ve forgotten?

A: I think you’ve got everything. I want to got some chocolate and some cheese.

B: What kind of cheese do you want.

A: I’m not sure. I’ll decide at the cheese counter, when I can see what they have. Have we got enough money?

B: We don’t have enough cash, so I’ll take my credit card and we can pay with that. Where are the car keys?

A: I’ve got them there. Shall I drive?


A: Do you do a lot of your shopping online?

B: Not really. I like looking on the internet at what’s available, but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it. Sometimes, I’ll look at something in a shop, but later buy it online if it’s cheaper. You don’t like buying things online, do you?

A: No. I’m a little worried about security. You never know who’s trying to find out your codes and passwords. Aren’t you worry about that?

B: Not really. I know that it happens, but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites, you should be ok. Even though I use online shopping facilities, I don’t think it’s the best way to shop.

A: I’m surprised to hear you say that. I thought you loved anything technological.

B: I do. I’m a big fan of using new technology, but I don’t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day. I think people need to get out and interact with other people.

A: So, how about coming to the department store with me? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet.

B: Sure. I’d love to join you. Can we stop by the computer store? I just want to see if they have something.

A: Sure. While you’re in the computer store. I will visit the book store opposite. I like to browse through their books and see if they have anything interesting.

B: Ok. I’ve finished online. Let’s go. I’ll just get some money and my credit card.

A: Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten to get mine.
Asking for Directions


A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

B: Sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t I ?

B: Yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

A: Yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

B: That’s right. Drive back to the traffic lights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

A: So, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

B:Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

A:Ok. Got it. Thanks for your help.

B: No problem.第三个是关于大学生同居的

热心网友 时间:2023-05-23 14:19

Boast cross-talk
First: Our family boasts in old and well-known families!
Second: Our family is boasting in the specialized household!

First: Our boast of home does not pay taxes.
Second: We do not hand in the money in boast of home!

First: Not blowing, I will go to toilet once borning.
Second: Crawling?

First: Who is it climb to come down while being harsh?
Second: How will that go?

First: The bed acts as the lavatory!
Second: These is it wet the bed to ask!

First: I can run in three months.
Second: That must be a monster!

First: I of on the month such as three pieces mother go to work,I has to grandmother house /run grandmother house both ends.
Second: Run in this way!

First: It want say boast, I no one can than.
Second: I it believe,it dare you not here than than?

First: Blow here? No problem!
Second: Is it say heavy appetite this to want, I first meal can take five bowls of noodles!

First: Can eat 4 kilograms of boiled meat mpling in a meal of mine!
Second: Oh, I have a fever!

First: Oh, I have a fever too!
Second: I am covering a bed of quilts to sleep in the evening, saw suddenly the next day, the quilt burnt a large hole!

First: Slept in the eveninging, I held a handful of maize in the hand, saw suddenly the next day, became puffed rice completely!
Second: I am taller than the tree!

First: I am higher than the floor!
Second: Unless I top of the head it, ride,stretch out one's hand not can stressing by plane not big!

First: My upper lip is carrying it, the lower lip is carrying the ground!
Second: Then how about your face?

First: The person boasting is shameless!
Second: Hey! -----

热心网友 时间:2023-05-23 14:19

Xiao Hua: Hi! Lingling, how are you doing?
Lingling: fine. Thanks. Thank god it is Friday.
Xiao Hua :Yeah. What do you usually do on the weekend? I feel so bored on the weekend.
Lingling: Why don’t you surf on net?There are so many fun things out there.
Xiao Hua :Well, My mom won’t let me get on line. She said that there are so many traps on the internet.She is aftraid that I might get bad influence. like those pornographic sites.
Lingling: She only looks at the negative side of the internet. Actually there are far more positive impacts.
Xiao Hua: Give me some examples, please.
Lingling: Simply by clicking internet button,you can get information about all kinds of topics. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time
Xiao Hua: Tell me some more, please
Lingling: You can socialize with people. I find that I could find better friends on net than in the real world.
Xiao Hua: Really? Sounds interesting.
Lingling: There are social communities on the internet., like English Corners. I often go there to practice my oral English. I don’t feel shy there which I normally do. Now I find that I have made great progress in my oral and written English e to the internet.
Xiao Hua: That’s great. I have been looking for a place to practice my English. I think I will persuade my mom to let me get on line.
Lingling: another big advantage of the internet is the easy access to information and it is very cheap. For example, you may download songs, reading novels, play games. There are many web sites that offer free stuff.
Xiao Hua:I enjoy reading novels, especially those adventures.but my mom said that a lot of children get sick after playing on the computer all day long.
Lingling: She is right. We can’t glue to it all day. It is not good for our eyes. It is not good for our body.We need to go out to inhale fresh air. We need to keep fit in the park.. We need to socialize with real people .
Xiao Hua :Can I voice chat with you tonight? I want you to tell me more about internet.
Sure. I use QQ. You may download one.
Xiao Hua: Ok. See u in QQ then.
Lingling: See you.说的时候语速放慢,清晰一点,就没什么问题了。如果忘词了,就er,尽量把语调拖长,好歹也能撑一会。

mary:Thanks . Girl football is better than boy football in China !谢谢,中国的女足队要比男足队踢的更加好!mark:Yeah , we must be great efforts now . The girl is more and more stronger now .是的,我们必须努力了,女孩现在越来越强大了.mary:What about going with me ?和我一去怎么...


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