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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 23:05



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 16:24

I study in the No. I middle school, where there are three grades and thirty-two cla sses. It is not big but very beautiful. In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, which is very clean an d beautiful. The lab building and the libr ary are to the east of the new building. T here all kinds of book in the library. You can enioy them as many as you like. South of the new building lies a playgrou nd and it's very big. On the playground, you can have sports such as football. bas ketball. You'd better play basketball as t here are four basketball grounds in our s chool, You can enjoy yourself very much. There are many trees in our school.Gras s is everywhere. In front of the new buil ding there are two gardens in which, the re are flowers of all colours. We are studying hard in our school, Our l ife is happy and intcrcsting. I love our sc hool very much.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 16:24


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 16:25

My sister
My sistet is younger than me .She is pretty. She is not very fat . We are good friend .We often help with each other . On weekend we play together. Every morning we walk to. school .l love her .
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