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有朋友知道Beatles的《Rain and tears》的完整歌词吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 02:55



热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 07:23

Rain and tears all the same 雨和泪形态都一样
But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在阳光中,你就得玩这个游戏
When you cry in winter time 当你在冬天哭泣
You can't pretend, it's nothing but the rain 你无法假装那是雨水

How many times I've seen 多少次我看见
Tears coming from your blue eyes 泪水从你蓝色眼睛中流下
Rain and tears all the same 是雨是泪,都一样吧
But in the sun, you've got to play the game 在阳光中,你仍追寻玩这个游戏

Give me an answer , love 给我一个答案,吾爱
I need an answer , love 我需要一个答案,吾爱
Rain and tears in the sun 阳光中的雨和泪
But in your heart, you feel the rainbow, the waves 在你心中,你感受到的是彩虹还是浪潮

Rain and tears both for shown 雨点和泪珠冲刷著心灵
For in my heart, there'll never be a sun 我心里再也不会有阳光
Rain and tears all the same 毕管雨和泪都一样了
But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在感情的世界下,你就要玩这个游戏

热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 07:23

Rains and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样
But in the sun 但在阳光中
You got to play the game 你得玩这个游戏
When you cry in wintertime 当你在冬天哭泣
You can't pretend 你无法假装
It's nothing but the rain 那是雨水

How many times I'v seen 多少次我看见
Tears coming from your blue eyes 泪水从你蓝眼睛中流下

Rain and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样
But in the sun 但在阳光中
You got to play the game 你得玩这个游戏

Give me an answer,love 给我一个答案,吾爱
I need an answer,love 我需要一个答案,吾爱

Rain and tears in the sun 阳光中的雨和泪
But in your heart you feel the rain 在你心中你感觉到的是雨
The waves 还是浪

Rain or tears both rush home 雨或泪冲刷着家园
For in my heart there never be the sun 我心里再也不会有阳光
Rain and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样
But in the sun 但在阳光中
You got to play the game 你得玩这个游戏


热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 07:24

但事实是,Beatles从来没有一首歌叫过这个名字.而这首歌的原唱者是60年代的一个叫Aphrodite's Child的乐队.

Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun, you've got to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can't pretend, it's nothing but the rain

How many times I've seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun, you've got to play the game

Give me an answer , love
I need an answer , love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart, you feel the rainbow, the waves

Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart, there'll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun, you've got to play the game




这首歌不是The Beatles的.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 07:24

Rains and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样
But in the sun 但在阳光中
You got to play the game 你得玩这个游戏
When you cry in wintertime 当你在冬天哭泣
You can't pretend 你无法假装
It's nothing but the rain 那是雨水

How many times I'v seen 多少次我看见
Tears coming from your blue eyes 泪水从你蓝眼睛中流下

Rain and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样
But in the sun 但在阳光中
You got to play the game 你得玩这个游戏

Give me an answer,love 给我一个答案,吾爱
I need an answer,love 我需要一个答案,吾爱

Rain and tears in the sun 阳光中的雨和泪
But in your heart you feel the rain 在你心中你感觉到的是雨
The waves 还是浪

Rain or tears both rush home 雨或泪冲刷着家园
For in my heart there never be the sun 我心里再也不会有阳光
Rain and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样
But in the sun 但在阳光中
You got to play the game 你得玩这个游戏


热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 07:25

我只知道James Blunt有这首歌
有朋友知道Beatles的《Rain and tears》的完整歌词吗?

Rain and tears all the same 雨和泪形态都一样 But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在阳光中,你就得玩这个游戏 When you cry in winter time 当你在冬天哭泣 You can't pretend, it's nothing but the rain 你无法假装那是雨水 How many times I've seen 多少次我看见 Te...

《rain and tears》 歌词最好的翻译

生命将如日光般绚烂 Rain and tears are all the same 雨和眼泪都一样 Rain in the sun you've got to play the game 我们可以在阳光下的雨中尽情玩耍

谁有<rain and tears>的歌词.

You can't pretend 你无法假装 It's nothing but the rain 那是雨水 How many times I'v seen 多少次我看见 Tears coming from your blue eyes 泪水从你蓝眼睛中流下 Rain and tears are the same 雨和泪都一样 But in the sun 但在阳光中 You got to play the game ...

谁知道甲克虫乐队唱的一首《RAIN AND TEARS》的歌词啊?

Rain and tears are all the same But in the sun you've got to play the game When you cry in winter time You can't pretend it's nothing but the rain How many times I've seen Tear's coming from you blue eyes Rain and tears are all the same But in the sun you've g...


Rain and Tears 歌词如下:雨淋我身 如泪水滑过脸颊 风声低吼 在寂静的夜里哭泣 世界似乎崩塌 一切陷入混沌之中 泪水交织 雨水和心一同落下 雨中的舞步 是我在世间的挣扎 痛苦如影随行 但希望照亮心灵深处 纵使悲伤逆流成河 我愿与泪共舞人生旅程中每一次挫折与痛苦都铭记在心间。在这首歌中,每一句...

歌词翻译(英译汉)歌手:James blunt《tears and rain》

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