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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 10:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 05:20

1.DO NOT pour fat from cooking or any other type of fat, oil, or grease down the sink. Keep a “fat jar” under the sink to collect the fat and discard in the solid waste when full.
2.DO NOT dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down the sink or toilet
3.DO NOT flush pills, liquid or powder medications or drugs down the toilet.
4.Avoid using the toilet as a wastebasket. Most tissues, wrappers, st cloths, and other paper goods should be properly discarded in a wastebasket. The fiber reinforced cleaning procts that have become popular should never be discarded in the toilet.
5.Avoid using a garbage disposal. Keep solid wastes solid. Make a compost pile from vegetable scraps.
6.Install a water efficient toilet. In the meantime, put a brick or 1/2 gal container in the standard toilet tank to rece water use per flush.
7.Run the dishwasher or clothes washer only when you have a full load. This conserves electricity and water.
8.Use the minimum amount of detergent and/or bleach when you are washing clothes or dishes. Use only phosphate free soaps and detergents.
9.Minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers. DO NOT dispose of these chemicals, motor oil, or other automotive fluids into the sanitary sewer or storm sewer systems. Both of them end at the river.
10.If your home has a sump pump or cellar drain, make certain it does not drain into the sanitary sewer system. If you are unsure, please call Simsbury Water Pollution Control at (860) 658-1380 and we can assist in determining the discharge point.
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