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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 10:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:06

To be a good citizen

Hello! Dear friends, my name is Liu Hui. Now, let us talk about how to be a good citizen.
Since the 29th Beijing Olympic Games approaching, many people started in their own ways to greet the Olympic Games. I am not athletes, I can not in the game winning glory for the country. Therefore, I could only do some simple things, and strive to be good citizens.
How to protect the living environment in modern society is a very big problem, in order to allow other countries left a good impression, therefore, we must from now on, in order to ensure the protection of the environment. Here, I would like to make the following suggestions: First, do not throw garbage, rubbish thrown in the trash or designated locations; Secondly, we need to conserve water, such as: good use of the water in, in time to turn off the taps , and water use, can be used for irrigation, washing vegetables, washing vegetables can be used to the water-toilet. Third, in order to prevent water pollution, we must stop those indiscriminate row wastewater plant. Many factories, instrial effluent was discharged directly into the river, and some have become so dirty river, which is not allowed.
Let us take action, protecting the environment and improving the ecological environment. Do not let the beautiful environment around us continue to be destroyed in order to protect our beautiful Earth!




热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:06

Hello, Dear friends! My name is Emily. Now, let me talk about how to do a good citizen
from the 29th Beijing Olympic Games approaching, many people started in their own ways to greet the Olympic Games. I am not athletes, not in the game winning glory for the country. I can only start from the trivial, and strive to be good citizens.
Protection of the environment and life in modern society is the biggest problem in order to give other countries left a good impression on China; we must from now on efforts to properly protect the environment. Here, I put forward the following proposals: First, can not throw garbage, rubbish thrown in the trash or to the designated locations; second, we must conserve water, such as: Spent tap at any time after switching off the tap; the water used to Watering salted vegetable, rinse off mop, wash toilet. Third, to prevent water pollution, now hear many factories to facilitate instrial sewage mped directly river, the river has become so clean squalid conditions, this is not allowed.
Let us act to protect the environment, improve the environmental protection. Do not let the Earth's environment continues to be destroyed.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:07

To Be A Good Citzen

Hello! Dear friends, my name is Emily. Now, let me talk about how to be(做一个好公民,用be,不用do) a good citzen .
With(With 引导独立主格结构,From不能) the 29th Beijing Olympic Games approaching, many people started in their own ways to greet the Olympic Games. I am not an athlete(我是一个人,不能用复数), not in the game winning glories for the country. I can only start from the trivial, and strive to be good citizens.
Protection of the environment and life in modern society are(这里有两个问题,不用is,应该用are)the biggest (这里的biggest 可以考虑用most desperate"最迫切")problem to solve in order to give other countries (去掉left,和other一起太累赘了)a good impression on China. We must from now on efforts to properly protect the environment. Here, I put forward the following proposals: First, do(祈使句不用can引导) not throw garbage, rubbish should be (这里不是个结构,要用完整的句子) thrown in the trash or to the designated locations; Second, we must conserve water, such as spenting Shuilongtou at any time after switching off the tap; the water used to Watering Xiancai, rinse mop, Chong toilet. Third, to prevent water pollution, now hear many factories to facilitate instrial sewage mped directly river, the river has become so clean squalid conditions, this is not allowed.
Let us act to protect the environment, improve the environmental protection. Do not let the Earth's environment continues to be destroyed.
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