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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 05:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:32

危害信息 : 不宜食用,该产品对眼睛及皮肤稍有刺激性,避免眼睛、皮肤直接接触
Hazard information: unfit for human consumption, the proct of the eyes and slightly irritating the skin, avoiding the eyes, the skin in direct contact

First-aid measures: instrial use Vaseline, impurities more timely medical treatment after the incorrect use of消防措施 :远离火源。灭火介质:、泡沫、干粉、二氧化碳、砂土

泄露应急处理 :泄露后请及时回收或清除至废物处理站


接触控制和个人防护措施 :手防护:戴橡胶耐油手套。其它防护:工作现场严禁吸烟,避免长期反复接
Fire safety measures: from the fire source. Fire-extinguishing media:, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand

Disclosure of emergency treatment: timely recovery after leaking or removal from waste disposal sites

Operation and storage:

Exposure control and personal protective measures: Hand protection: wear rubber gloves oil. Other Protection: Work-site smoking is prohibited, to avoid long-term repeated access理化特性 :
毒理学信息 :该产品不属于毒害品
生态学信息 :无
废弃处置 :建议用焚烧法处理
运输信息 :船运时,配装位置应远离卧室,厨房,并与机舱,电源,火源等部位隔离,
法规信息 :

Physical and chemical properties:

Stability and reactivity: soluble in ether, chloroform, benzene, such as gasoline and solvents, insoluble in water, and ethanol chemical stability and good oxidation resistance, with good anti-oxidative stability, stability and light stability. Reaction was neutral or slightly alkaline:

Toxicology information: This proct is not a poison chemicals

Ecological information: None

Waste Disposal: It is recommended that treatment with incineration

Transport information: shipping when loaded with the location should be away from the bedroom, kitchen, and the cabin, power, fire source, such as site isolation,

Information and regulations:

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:32

Hazard information: Inedibility.Avoiding direct contact with this proct wich has mild irritation.

Emergency treatment: Instrial vaseline contains some impurities. Eating by accident,go to doctor immediately.

Fire protection: Removed away from fire brand. Extinguishing agents:foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sandy clay

Accidental release measures: Recycling or eliminated to waste plant immediately once leaked.

Operation and storage:

Contact control and Indivial Protection: Hands protection: wearing grease-proof rubber glove. Other protection: No smoking at working field. Avoiding long-term multiple contacts.

Physical and chemical properities:

Stability and reactivity: dissoluble to solvents, such as aether,chloroform, gas and benzene. Good stability and anti-oxidation with ethanol. Good anti-oxidation invariability, stability and light stability. Obtained neutrality or alkalescency.

毒理学信息 :该产品不属于毒害品 Toxicology imformation: This proct is no a toxic article.

生态学信息 :无 Ecological information: None.

废弃处置 :建议用焚烧法处理 Disposal considerations: Burning method suggested.

运输信息 :船运时,配装位置应远离卧室,厨房,并与机舱,电源,火源等部位隔离,
Transportation: Away from bedroom and kitchen ring shipping, and isolated with engine room, elctric power source, fire brand, etc.

法规信息 : Regulations:
其他信息: Other information:

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:33

医药化学方面的啊, 很晕啊, 除非这个专业的人士同时精通英语才可以, 否则即使翻译了也是一塌糊涂, 当然你这个还是属于简单的但需要时间如果要准确的话。。。
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