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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 03:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 18:16

The way she came into the place 她走进来
I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉
there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同
The way she moved 她的步调
her hair 她的秀发
her face 她的容颜
her lines 她优雅的线条
Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力
As she stalked the room 她一踏进
I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息
Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心
The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心
the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信
The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒
the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很

I never know 我心知肚明
but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线
Come go with me “跟我来吧”
I said I have no time 我说我没时间
She said :"Don't you pretend we didn't talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三”
My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下
she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间

She's so dangerous 太危险
the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险
Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间
You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey
but you're no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有

She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,*烈焰眼中燃烧
I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网
A touch 一下轻抚
a kiss 一次热吻
a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语
I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路
deep in the darkness of passion's insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中
I felt taken by lust's strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑
This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心
this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信
The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很

I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地
She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字
And don't you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起”
With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪
my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去

She's so dangerous 太危险
the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险
Take away my money 拿走我的钱
throw away my time 浪费我的时间
You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey
but you're no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有
Dangerous 危险
the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险
I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍
'cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽
It's a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中
But you're no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友

I cannot sleep alone tonight 今晚我难以入眠
my baby left me here tonight 留我一人形孤影单
I cannot cope'til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远
You and your manipulation 你喜欢别人受你摆布
you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地伤害

And then it happened 就那么发生了
she touched me 她在我身上轻抚
For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇
And her mouth was smoother than oil 比油还滑的嘴里
But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑
But I loved it 'cause it's dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢

She's so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险
Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间
You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey
but you're no damn good for me 但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有
Dangerous 危险
the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险

I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍
'cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽
It's a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动
But you're no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友
She's so dangerous 太危险
the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 18:16

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