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Fiddler On The Roof - Soundtrack的《To Life》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 04:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:42

歌曲名:To Life
歌手:Fiddler On The Roof - Soundtrack
专辑:Fiddler On The Roof

too late for the other side
caught in a change
25 to life
too late for the other side
caught in a change
25 to life
Eminem - 25 To Life
i dont think she understands the sacrifices that i made
maybe if this bitch had acted right i wouldve stayed
but ive already wasted over half of my life i wouldve laid
down and died for you i no longer cry for you
no more pain bitch you
took me for granted took my heart and ran it straight into the planet
into the dirt i can no longer stand it
now my respect i demand it
imma take control of this relationship
command it, and imma be the boss of you now goddamnit
and what i mean is that i will no longer let you control me
so you better hear me out this much you owe me
i gave up my life for you, totally devoted to you while ive stayed
look at how i dress *ing baggy sweats, go to work a mess
always in a rush to get back to you i aint heard you yet
not even once say you apreciate me i deserve respect
ive done my best to give you nothing less than perfectness
and i know that if ill no longer have nothing left
but you keep treating me like a staircase its time to *ing step
and i wont be coming back so dont hold your *ing breath
you know what youve done no need to go in depth
i told you, youd be sorry if i *ing left
id laugh while you wept
hows it feel now, yeah, funny aint it, you neglected me
did me a favor all my spirit free youve said
but a special place for you in my heart i have kept
its unfortunate but its,
too late for the other side
caught in a change
25 to life
too late for the other side
caught in a change
25 to life
i feel like when i bend over backwards for you all you do is laugh
cause that aint good enough you expect me to fold myself in half
til i snap
dont think im loyal
all i do is rap
i can not moonlight on the side
i have no life outside of that
dont i give you enough of my time
you dont think so do you
jealous when i spend time with the girls
why im married to you still man i dont know
but tonight im serving you with papers
im divoricing you
go marry someone else and make em famous
and take away there freedom like you did to me
treat em like you dont need them and they aint worthy of you
feed em the same shit you made me eat
im moving on forget you oh,
now im special, ha i felt special when i was with you
all i ever felt was this
imprisoned by a selfish bitch
chew me up and spit me out
i fell for this so many times
its ridiculus
and still i stick with this
im sick of this but my sickness aint addiction
your a addictness
evil as they come ?? as they make em
my friends keep asking why i cant just walk away
im addicted
to the pain, the stress, the drama
im dramaist so i guess imma mess
cursed and blessed
but this time imma
aint changing my mind
im climbing out this ??
you screaming as i walk out that ill be missed
but when you spoke to people who meant the most to you
you left me off your list
* you hip-hop
im leaving you, my life sentence is served bitch
and its just

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