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谭千秋的事迹 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 22:20



热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 16:34

That moment, he stretched out the arms protects east 4 student - - City of Deyang the steam middle school dying teacher Tan century final offer New China net City of Deyang Chinese prosperous town (Sichuan) on May 14 (Xinhua News Agency Reporter Sun Wen, field rain) “that four babies really has lived? Yesterday evening heard that had a teacher to rescue 4 babies, which did I know that was you ......” Zhang Guanrong throws to husband's remains yowles loudly. Night's City of Deyang Chinese prosperous town, the icy rain is sad and shrill, the sad sound in all directions, howls, but the ambulance most can bring one to the human to console, that means that also has a life to rush toward the hope. On May 13 23:50, the ambulance blew a whistle the sound penetrating Chinese prosperous town - - China earthquake emergency search and rescue center rescue groups in the steam middle school's collapsing classroom building to rescue 4 students continuously east City of Deyang. “my niece is the high 21 class of students, has their teacher to protect in above, these 4 baby could also not live!”Is rescued female student Liu Hong Li the uncle to say to reporter. “that teacher?” “oh ......He is a big good person, big hero!”Was saying, Liu Hong Li uncle's eye socket was red. He told the reporters, that is a male teacher, nearly 50 years old. on 13th early in the morning, is located in the school playground to stop on temporarily the morgue, in reporter's from staff hand remains liber Zha Dao this heroic teacher's name - - Tan century. His remains are on 13th 22:12 dig up from the ruins. “we discovered his time, his double arm opens is lying prone on the school desk, under the body is protecting four students stubbornly, four students have lived!”A rescue group were describing scene then to reporter. Tan Mr.'s/Mrs.'s wife Zhang Guanrong is cleaning husband's remains carefully: On face's each grain of sand st gently is wiped; Combs the dishevelled hair carefully, combs him before death the custom hairstyle. Mr./Mrs. Tan's cerebellum is pounded deeply by the floor concavely gets down ...... When Zhang Guanrong pulls up the Tan century the arm, must when deletes the bloodstain to him, husband's stiff finger once more has touched a sore spot her frail nerve: “lifted yesterday time soft, how to become such hard!”Zhang Guanrong rubs husband's arm lightly, the yowl is losing one's voice ...... Was this pair once disseminated the innumerable knowledge arm, had the flash at the earthquake to recapture four young lives from the god of death hand, on arm's scar has recorded clearly has gotten down all these! “he also with ordinary was that morning same, 6 spots have gotten up, washed for ours youngest daughter rinses the clothing to be good, leads her to exit to take a walk, then rushed to the school to go to work early. This walks again has not returned. The daughter at home is also shouting daddy!”Zhang Guanrong chokes with sobs. “Mr./Mrs. Tan is our school director, concurrently high two and high third-grade political lesson.”Accompanied Zhang Guanrong to defend in nearby Tan Mr./Mrs. remains colleague Mr./Mrs. Xia Kai Xiu said that “he was most loves dearly the student in our school's teacher one, walked in the campus the time, saw by far ground had a small stone he to walk picks, feared the students played time was injured.” In the drill ground, the student guardian has ignited string firecrackers according to the local custom for Mr./Mrs. Tan ...... In earthquake these touching.

That moment, he stretched out the arms protects east 4 student - - City of Deyang the steam middle school dying teacher Tan century final offer New China net City of Deyang Chinese prosperous town (Sichuan) on May 14 (Xinhua News Agency Reporter Sun Wen, field rain) “that f...

谭千秋的事迹 英文

That moment, he stretched out the arms protects east 4 student - - City of Deyang the steam middle school dying teacher Tan century final offer New China net City of Deyang Chinese prosperous town (Sichuan) on May 14 (Xinhua News Agency Reporter Sun Wen, field rain) “that...


more than 100 children are pressed under. The soldiers already snatched several children and more than 30 corpses in the ruins. However in rescues the most essential time, the sudden classroom building's ruins occur once more collapse, ...


记忆里,爸从来没有说过爱我疼我之类的话,可我却记得在我七岁那年家里第一次装电话的时候,爸爸到处找人帮忙,专门将电话号码选成了我的生日;也还记得高中时,每次我从汉旺(爸爸家)回绵竹探望妈妈,爸都坚持要用他才买不久的小木兰摩托搭乘我走这十四公里的路途,为的是和我多多说说话…… ”...






抗震救灾英雄谭千秋用生命诠释师德人民教师谭千秋:用生命作支撑,舍身护生的教导主任 ——5月14日,张关蓉在擦拭丈夫谭千秋的遗体。在地震发生的一瞬间,德阳市东汽中学教师谭千秋双臂张开趴在课桌上,身下护着4个学生。4个学生都获救了,谭老师却不幸遇难。大爱无声铸师魂地动山摇。他弓着身子,张开双臂紧紧地趴在课桌...







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