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请高人帮忙英汉翻译 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 22:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:06

Since the early 20th century emergence of the original 60-type amplifier, the amplifier has been to lower the drift, noise and power consumption, higher speed, gain and input voltage, as well as the development of greater output power. Performance of the new devices are emerging to make circuit design easier. Amplifier is a cable television system in one of the most important components, the system is widely used in transmission and distribution network users. Its role is to enlarge the RF television signal to improve the signal level, to make up for the system of cables, splitter, distributor of passive components, such as television signal attenuation. Amplifier directly affects the work of the state of the quality of cable television networks, especially in the analog TV and digital TV mixed transmission, how to debug all the more important that a good amplifier. Bi-directional control and distribution amplifiers in the trunk and distribution lines are signal lines for multi-level transmission or distribution network for better use. Power parts: power supply with input expansion circuit protection, and transient suppression network from the effects of power surges and the second regulator output. Highly reliable power supply and strict anti-lightning system, to ensure the reliability of long-term work. Are part of push-pull preamplifier and power to double-type so that after the placement of large components to minimize distortion. After the balance and response to balanced and effective long-distance signal Chuan-yu, with the use of more in line with the characteristics of cable and the system does not overcome the flatness problem, plug-in automatically warming control: three-way output attenuation, balanced and independent hit tune and over-current (insurance change). Or sub-level officials output optional. Circuit has a plug-in electrical surge release, with the current absorption
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