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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-22 20:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 20:45

That day, mom and dad went to work. Grandma cleaned and I did my homework. All of a sudden, the music ring of the mobile phone came -- it was dad who left his mobile phone at home.
Grandma hurriedly ran over, picked up her mobile phone, and said loudly, "there is no one at home!" however, the mobile phone is still ringing.
Grandma looked at the cell phone for a while, then picked it up, said to the cell phone: "there are people at home, there are people at home, I am grandma!"
The mobile phone seems to be doing the right thing with grandma. It keeps ringing. I just found out that grandma can't answer the phone. She certainly didn't press the answer key. I stood up and was ready to pick it up. However, grandma has picked up a pillow, pressed the mobile phone under her, and said: "let you call! Let you call!" as expected, the mobile phone did not call.
When I saw this, I couldn't help laughing. I took out my mobile phone and taught grandma how to answer the phone. Grandma knew that she couldn't talk without pressing the answer button. She couldn't help laughing.
Grandma has made great progress. Now she can make a phone call, but when she dials outside, she has her own characteristics: put on her glasses, find the phone number to be dialed, and say "1 -- 3 --" in her mouth while comparing with the number book, and press the corresponding key with strength. When she reads a word, she drags a long tone. I can't help laughing when I hear grandma call.
Anyway, grandma will call. I'm happy
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