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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 00:10



热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 18:54

原文还有图片,更加好记点: http://www.synotrip.com/nanjing/tourist-attractions/ming-tomb,-plum-blossom-hill-and-purple-cloud-lake-1211.shtml

Lying on the west side of the southern foot of Purple Mountain (Zijin Shan, 紫金山), the Ming Tomb Scenic Area contains the Ming Tomb as well as Purple Cloud Lake and Plum Blossom Hill.

Note: There are many different English translations of ’明孝陵’, including “Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum,” “Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty,” “Ming Xiaoling,” “Xiaoling Tomb,” and “Ming Tomb.” We will call it the “Ming Tomb” to keep it simple, but keep in mind that you may come across the other translations.

Ming Tomb

Nanjing became the capital of China when Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty in 1368. During his reign, Zhu Yuanzhang built the great city walls of Nanjing, the imperial palace, and his future tomb - the Ming Tomb in Nanjing. The Ming Tomb is a certified UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a must-see for travellers to Nanjing.

Leading up to the impressive Ming Tower is the long, winding “sacred path”. You will also pass other impressive structures including Square City (built in 1413), Imperial Tablet Hall (1699), and the Sacrificial Palace (1383). The first two legs of the path are lined with pairs of stone statues of lions, camels, elephants, unicorns, xie, and kylin as well as four pairs of ministers and generals who have accompanied the buried majesty in perpetuity.

Zhu Yuanzhang and his wife are actually not buried in the tower (which is why it is called a tower and not a mausoleum). Instead they are buried behind it in the treasure mound – a forested hill that is surrounded by a 7 meter high, 1000 meter long circular wall of bricks.

Plum Blossom Hill

Plum Blossom Hill takes its name from the pink plum blossoms that blanket the hill when they are in bloom. To the south of Plum Blossom Hill across the sacred avenue are Plum Blossom Valley and a youth hostel.

Purple Cloud Lake

Purple Cloud Lake is an ideal spot to spend an afternoon relaxing outdoors. Not suprisingly, “No Swim” signs lining the edge of the lake are no deterrence to many locals that enjoy the waters. That being said, it should be known that many people have drowned in the lake’s deep waters.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 18:55

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