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凡尔纳(Jules Verne)作品年表:
气球上的五星期 Five Weeks in a Balloon (Cinq Semaines en ballon, 1863)

Paris in the 20th Century (Paris au XXe Siècle, 1863, not published until 1994)

地心游记 Journey to the Center of the Earth (Voyage au centre de la Terre, 1864)

从地球到月球From the Earth to the Moon (De la terre à la lune, 1865)

Journeys and Adventures of Captain Hatteras (Voyages et aventures capitaine Hatteras, 1866; also published in two volumes as A Journey to the North Pole or At the North Pole or The English at the North Pole and The Field of Ice or The Desert of Ice)

In Search of the Castaways or Captain Grant's Children (Les Enfants capitaine Grant, 1867-1868)

海底两万里Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Vingt mille lieues sous les mers, 1869)

环绕月球Around The Moon (Autour de la lune, a sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, 1870)

A Floating City (Une ville flottante, 1871)

Dr. Ox's Experiment (Une Fantaisie Docteur Ox, 1872)
The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa (Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais, 1872 )

The Fur Country (Le Pays des fourrures, 1873)

环游地球八十天Around the World in Eighty Days (Le Tour Monde en quatre-vingts jours, 1873)

The Survivors of the Chancellor (Le Chancellor, 1875)

神秘岛The Mysterious Island (L'Île mystérieuse, sequel to Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and In Search of the Castaways, 1875)

Blockade runners (Les Forceurs de blocus, 1876)

Michael Strogoff (Michel Strogoff, 1876)

Off On A Comet (Hector Servadac, 1877; also published in two volumes as To the Sun? and Off on a Comet!)

The Child of the Cavern, also known as Black Diamonds or The Black Indies (Les Indes noires, 1877)

Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen (Un Capitaine de quinze ans, 1878)

The Begum's Millions (Les Cinq cents millions de la Bégum, 1879)

The Steam House (La Maison à vapeur, 1879)

Tribulations of a Chinaman in China (Les tribulations d'un chinois en Chine), 1879

Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (La Jangada, 1881)

The Green Ray (Le Rayon vert, 1882)

The Headstrong Turk (1883)

Frritt-Flacc (1884)

The Vanished Diamond (L’Étoile sud, 1884)

The Archipelago on Fire (L’Archipel en feu, 1884)

Mathias Sandorf (1885)

Robur the Conqueror or The Clipper of the Clouds (Robur-le-Conquérant, 1886)

Ticket No. "9672" (Un Billet de loterie, 1886 )
North Against South (Nord contre Sud, 1887)
The Flight to France (Le Chemin de France, 1887)
Family Without a Name (Famille-sans-nom, 1888)
Two Years' Vacation (Deux Ans de vacances, 1888)
The Purchase of the North Pole or Topsy Turvy (Sans dessus dessous, the second sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, 1889)
Mistress Branican, (1891)
Carpathian Castle (Le Château des Carpathes, 1892)
Propeller Island (L’Île à hélice, 1895)
Facing the Flag (Face au drapeau, 1896)
Clovis Dardentor (1896)
The Sphinx of the Ice Fields or An Antarctic Mystery (Le Sphinx des glaces, a sequel to Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, 1897)
The Mighty Orinoco (Le Superbe Orénoque, 1898)
Second Fatherland (Seconde Patrie, sequel to Johann Wyss's The Swiss Family Robinson, 1900; also published in two volumes as Their Island Home and Castaways of the Flag)
The Village in the Treetops (Le Village aérien, 1901)
The Master of the World (Maître monde, sequel to Robur the Conqueror, 1904)
nvasion of the Sea (L’Invasion de la mer, 1904)
A Drama in Livonia (Un Drame en Livonie, 1904)

The Lighthouse at the End of the World (Le Phare bout monde, 1905)

The Chase of the Golden Meteor (La Chasse au météore, 1908)

The Danube Pilot (Le Pilote Danube, 1908)

The Survivors of the 'Jonathan' (Le Naufrages Jonathan, 1909)

The Eternal Adam (L’Eternel Adam, 1910)
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