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求一篇 英语作文【成长的烦恼】【Growing Pains】

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 23:53



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 18:07

We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely.
Some of us are worried about our physical imperfections, which makes us so upset. I have to mention that beauty is in the eye of beholders. The best way to overcome this problem is to ignore it. Some of us are concerned about not having enough friends and sometimes being ignored by others. In the case, don't blame the others, try to communicate well and make friends with all people. I know that academic pressure are crowding in on some of you, a school report card may sometimes depress you, but don't give up, stick to your dreams and work hard. No pains, no gains. As we grow up, we need more allowance from our parents which always seems insufficient. We should try to be frugal and release the economic pressure of our parents.
At last, I have to remind you all. Every problem has a lifespan, no problem is permanent. If we get down to solve them, we'll step closer to our dreams.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 19:25

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