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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 10:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:35

力学性能室:mechanical property lab
化学分析室:chemical analysis lab
量修室:instrument test repair lab
量检室 instrument checking lab
金相分析室metallographic analysis lab
精密测量室fine measurement lab
化学操作室:chemstry operation lab
金相制样室metallographic specimen modeling lab

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:35

Mechanical Properties of rooms>, room for chemical analysis>, volume repair room>, the amount seized Room>, Kim Sang-room analysis>, precision measuring room>, operating room chemistry>, Kim Sang-like room,>

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 15:36

Objective analysis of the patients in our hospital emergency use of antibiotics for clinical drug reference. Methods were taken from 2007 to June in a hospital emergency room treatment of patients with prescriptions for which the use of antibiotics and medication to the reasonableness of the statistical analysis. Results from the 5635 case of emergency patients in the use of antimicrobial drugs for the prescription of 2502, accounting for 44.40 percent of prescription volume, 2,327 single medication, the prescription of antibiotics for the total number of 93.01 percent, more than two joint application of antibacterial drugs 175 prescription, the prescription of antibiotics for a total of 6.99 percent. The use of the 11 classes of 68 kinds of antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic use is the highest frequency of cephalosporins, followed by the quinolones, the approach to the administration of oral and intravenous mainly intravenous drug consumption amount of antibiotics amount of 89.97 percent. Conclusion 2007 1 to June emergency patients in our hospital antimicrobial drug use and reasonable analysis of the situation is reasonable, but there are still some problems, should further enhance the level of rational drug use, the application of antibacterial drugs to be safe, reasonable and effective, economic .
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