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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 02:38



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 19:17


1 Business Letter Salutation Technically, in a formal business letter, the greeting or salutation should be followed by a colon. Therefore, "Dear Mrs. Brown:" is the correct option. However, you will find some businesses straying from this formal version and beginning to use to comma after the salutation. 2 Organization of Men & Women Ladies and Gentlemen: Gentlemen and Ladies: 3 Writing to Teenagers Girls: Address them as "Miss" or "Ms." and respect the indivial´s preference if you know it. For girls younger than 13, "Miss" or "Ms." may be omitted. Boys: Address as "Mr." For boys younger than 13, omit the title. ("Master" is now rarely used except with the names of very young boys.) 4 Organization of Women If there are "only" women: Mesdames: or Ladies: 5 Name & Gender Unknown Dear Sir or Madam: Dear Madam or Sir: To Whom It May Concern: 6 One Woman, Title Preference Unknown Dear Ms. Malloy: Dear Ruth Malloy: 7 Name Known, Gender Unknown Dear Marion Parker: Dear R. V. Moore: 8 Gender Unknown Never, ever make a guess as to the gender of the person to whom you are writing the letter. If the name is not gender specific, or if it is an ethnic name that you do not know the gender rules, do not guess. There are many people named "Chris," for example, who are very annoyed by being called the wrong gender. When in doubt, play it safe and use the full name instead of a courtesy title. 9 Woman & a Man Dear Ms. Kent and Mr. Winston: Dear Mr. Fong and Miss Landis: Dear Mrs. Kay and Mr. Fox: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: 10 Married Couple, Wife Uses Maiden Name Dear Mr. (husband´s surname) and Ms. (wife´s maiden name) 11 Married Couple, Both Have Special Titles Dear Drs. (husband´s surname) or Dear Major and Professor (husband´s surname) (or whatever the personal titles are) 12 Hyphenated Names If you write to a person with a hyphenated last name, the complete name needs to be listed in the salutation. Example (letter is to John Smith and Jane Jones-Smith): Dear Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones-Smith If the name is not hyphenated, treat it as a middle name. Example (letter is to John Smith and Jane Jones Smith): Dear Mr. and Ms. Smith 13 Two or More Men Dear Mr. Gelb and Mr. Harris: Dear Mssrs. Gelb and Harris: (more formal) Gentlemen: (more formal) Sirs: (more formal) 14 Name & Gender Known Courtesy Title Preference Known: Dear Mr. Smith: Dear Mrs. Gray: Dear Ms. Simpson: Dear Miss Wells: 15 Name Unknown, Gender Known Dear Madam: Dear Sir: 16 Name & Gender Unknown Dear Sir or Madam: Dear Madam or Sir: To Whom It May Concern: 17 Hyphenated Names If you write to a person with a hyphenated last name, the complete name needs to be listed in the salutation. Example (letter is to John Smith and Jane Jones-Smith): Dear Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones-Smith If the name is not hyphenated, treat it as a middle name. Example (letter is to John Smith and Jane Jones Smith): Dear Mr. and Ms. Smith 18 Name Unknown, Gender Known Dear Madam: or Dear Sir: 19 Several Persons Dear Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Brodsky, Ms. Carmino, Mr. Dellums, and Miss Eustace: Dear Friends (Colleagues, Members, or some other suitable collective terms): 20 Married Couple--Husband Has Special Title Dear Dr. and Mrs. ... (husband´s surname) 21 Two or More Women Dear Mrs. Allen, Ms. Ott, and Miss Day: Dear Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Kent: Dear Mesdames Jordan and Kent: (more formal) Dear Ms. Scott and Ms. Gomez: Dear Mses. (or Mss.) Scott and Gomez: (more formal) Dear Miss Winger and Miss Rossi: Dear Misses Winger and Rossi: (more formal) 22 Organization of Men If there are "only" men in the organization: Gentlemen: 23 Married Couple, Wife Has Special Title Dear Senator and Mr. (husband´s surname):

热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 20:35


热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 22:10


热心网友 时间:2023-01-26 00:01

To my honorific English teacher

开头称呼,一般是对老师的称谓,写在贺卡的左上部分,可以使用To my dear teacher或者是To Mr/Mrs (英语老师的英文名或中文名拼音)。也可不加To,直接Mr/Mrs (英语老师的英文名或中文名拼音)。2、贺词,在称呼下方空一到两行.教师节可以写Happy Teachers Day!新年可以写happy new year!圣诞节可以...


称呼:指送卡人对受贺人的称呼,一般写在卡片的左上方,称呼前可加可不加“to”,如:(To) Mr and Mrs Black (写你老师的称呼)2. 贺词:一般写些固定的贺词用语。如:Happy Teachers' Day!With best wishes for a Happy New Year敬祝新年快乐也有时贺卡上有预先印刷好的,这部分内容也可根...


1、开头称呼 一般是对老师的称谓,写作贺卡的左上部分,可以使用To my dear teacher或者是To Mr/Mrs (英语老师的英文名或中文名拼音)。也可不加To,直接Mr/Mrs (英语老师的英文名或中文名拼音)。2、贺词 在称呼下方空一到两行,写贺词,通常是一些固定节日的用语,教师节可以写Happy Teachers' Day...


开头称呼,一般是对老师的称谓,写作贺卡的左上部分,可以使用To my dear teacher或者是To Mr/Mrs (英语老师的英文名或中文名拼音)。也可不加To,直接Mr/Mrs (英语老师的英文名或中文名拼音)。给英语老师的贺卡怎么写 贺词,在称呼下方空一到两行,写贺词,通常是一些固定节日的用语,教师节可以写H...


1、Dear teacher, happy holidays. May you always be young, happy and healthy.敬爱的老师,节日快乐,愿您永远年轻,幸福安康。2、I wish my teacher Peach and Plum all the world, work smoothly, and good health!祝愿老师桃李天下,工作顺利,身体健康!3、Teacher, you take your heart out...


1、为学莫重于尊师。To leas better than a teacher.2、一日之师,终身为父。One day a life, long for father.3、老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher,thank you for using the light of my life,light up my life journey.4、老师,在今天我们身上散发的智慧光芒...


Dear Miss Ding,I'm ,Class*,Grade 1.Wish you a happy New Year!May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you.Thank you for your teaching very much.yours student 亲爱的丁女士,我是**,一年级*班的.祝您新年快乐!希望新的一年给您带来美好及祝福.谢谢您的教导....




教师节用英语写贺卡祝福语如下:1、 Happy Teachers‘ day!教师节快乐!2、 Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀。3、 Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.老师,谢谢您的启发。4、 Wishing you a happy Teacher“s Day.祝您有个愉快的...


以下是一些写给英语老师的贺卡祝福语:1. Dear Teacher, thank you for igniting my passion for learning. Your guidance has been a beacon in my academic journey. Wishing you a year filled with joy and success.2. Beloved Instructor, your dedication and patience have shaped me into a ...

给老师写贺卡的格式 一年级写给老师的贺卡 贺卡写给老师的简单话 送给老师的新年贺卡怎么写 写给老师贺卡 送老师的贺卡怎么制作 给老师写一张贺卡 给老师贺卡内容怎么写 赠老师的贺卡词
周公解梦梦见从大母脚子漏 出蛇头 如何在PPT中将文本框居中对齐? 如何保护孩子的眼睛健康?8个有效方法告诉你 康福中国cf视频聊天 康福中国cf视频聊天软件 康福中国cf视频聊天官方... 康福中国软件介绍 三星s6取消指纹解锁 康福中国软件简介 ...里冒出来很多虫子黑色硬壳很小(有图)这是什么虫子有什么办法消灭_百 ... 请问一下,图片上的是什么虫子? 这是什么虫子 求正确答案 答案要附图 (比如百度出来的图片来验证你的... 给老师们搞个个性点备注,方便记 精神分裂症的西医疗法有哪些? 啥叫精神分裂症?得了该如何戒掉? 精神*,是精神与现实的*,那么其症状的依据是什么,中西医的理论都可以_百度问一问 黑龙江患上精神分裂症,华慈医院建议怎么能护理? 精神分裂症 怎么办??? vivoY73 5g可以用移动卡吗? EXCEL中,小数向下舍去 如果要用JavaScript来实现超链接跳转效果,可以通过设置location对象的什么? 求一份佳佳外拍,给分 凡姓与邓姓组成的两字名或三字名?老公姓凡,我姓邓。好听的男孩与女孩名字 一日三餐都吃七分饱,而且不吃零食,这样能够减掉肚子上的脂肪吗? 成人一日三餐各吃多少为宜? 成年人一日三餐怎么吃才健康精确到克? 早午晚 各吃几成饱比较好?健康?营养? 早餐应该吃几分饱 人生第一辆车,到底是选轿车还是SUV?为什么? 催眠小说大全txt全集下载作者是逍遥至尊的,谁有能给个附件 推荐一点好看的关于骗术活着催眠的小说(千门系列就不用了) 有关于:催眠、医生等的gl小说推荐 cctv5篮球直播主持人都有谁? 求:CCTV5篮球公园主持人刘星宇个人资料? 请问CCTV-5“NBA”赛场的主持人叫什么名字? 大家看CCTV-5NBA转播都喜欢看哪两个别主持人,我喜欢于嘉跟杨毅,最讨厌张卫平了 请问如何找到这个圆的中心点,是有弧度的圆? 正方形到中心圆点距离相等的有几条? 请问flash的元件中那个中心的圆点该怎么和那个十字架合在一起啊? 毛孔抚子小苏打磨砂洁面粉好吗? 日本毛孔抚子小苏打洁面粉好用吗 去黑头 应该用什么类型的小苏打粉呢 只要是苏打粉就可以了吗 怎样去黑头最彻底 我的皮肤是混合性的,多油。多痘疤。有斑。应该用什么化妆品保养会好一点 石泽研究所小苏打磨砂洁面粉怎么样 男士洗面奶哪个牌子好 喵请许愿张意最后怎么样了 喵请许愿饰演小休的猫是什么品种? 步步高有绳电话机 6082G 如何调节通话音量? 剥好的荔枝怎么带去学校? 怎么成为云信网吧黄金会员 网易云信他家客服态度好差,你们有没有经历过?