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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 23:22



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 16:10

A: Little Red Riding Hood’s mother B: Little Red Riding Hood C: Wolf
D: Grandmother E:Farmer
A: Little Red Riding Hood! Come here. Take this basket to your Grandmother. There are sandwiches and there is a cake in the basket. Be careful! There is a wolf in the forest and he is very dangerous.
旁白:(Little Red Riding Hood walks in the forest. There are many big trees and beautiful flowers in the forest and the birds are singing. Little Red Riding Hood likes flowers and she picks them. She doesn’t see the wolf hiding behind the tree. The wolf is thinking!)
(The wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood.)
C/B: Hello!
C: Where are you going?
B: I’m going to my Grandmother’s house.
C: Oh! Where does she live?
B: She lives in a house in the forest.
C: That’s nice. OK. Goodbye! See you later.
B/C: Bye-bye! (The wolf runs to Grandmother’s house. He knocks on the door.)
D: Who’s that?
C: It’s me!
D: Who’me?
C: It’s Little Red Riding Hood
D: Come in, dear!
旁白:The wolf goes into the house and eats Grandmother. The wolf gets into bed. He waits for Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood dances and sings in the forest. At last she comes to her grandmother’s house. She knocks on the door.)
C: Who’that?
B: It’s me.
C: Who’s me?
B: It’s Little Red Riding Hood.
C: Come in, my dear.
(Little Red Riding Hood goes into the house. She looks at the wolf in the bed.
B: What big ears you’ve got, Grandmother!
C: I want to hear you my dear.
B: What big eyes you’ve got, Grandmother.
C: I want to see you, my dear.
B: What big teeth you’ve got, Grandmother!
C: I want to eat you, my dear!
旁白:(The wolf jumps out of the bed. Little Red Riding Hood runs out of the house.)
B: (calls out) Help! Help!! Help!!!
旁白:(At this time, a farmer passes by. He kills the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood becomes safe and Grandmother jumps out of the wolf.)
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